Watch this experiment with a pack of cigarettes and see how much tar would get into your lungs. And you thought it was tough being a coal miner.
Experiment of 400 cigarettes No wonder why humans get lung cancer !! Think about this: The sticky Tar contains poison and remains in your lungs each time you smoke and your lungs need much calorie to remove these poisons from your blood! You will live shorter than you think! But think about your family and/or children’s life! ——————————————————————————
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nickp199109 wow i didnt know thanks man!
Great experiment, you should also make it known that the smoke burns the lungs, and that the lungs don’t regenerate or clean themselves very well with this sort of thing.
Even though this experiment is a load of tihs because the machine doesn’t exhale (I’m never able to inhale a full one) you lose about a third of a cigarette to it just burning away. I will never tell anyone to start smoking and I’ll recommend anyone to stop. I’ve been smoking for 20 years now and can happily say it’s been the worst thing I’ve ever done, you may think it makes you feel good now but wait till you’ve been smoking as long as me.
@blankskate32 Are you that stupid to think someone would actually do that? Thats just to show how much tar there is in 400 cigarattes. So if say you smoked that many in a period of a month or even 2 weeks, thats how much tar you would be taking in over that period of time.
@softshock9 Your totally correct, that whole 2 carton of cigs in that machine is like us smoking for a year.
While cigarettes are extremely harmful, this experiment is very uncontrolled.
First of all, That machine only inhales the smoke, it does not exhale any of the smoke.
Second of all, people obviously don’t smoke 400 cigarettes in 3 hours. Your body regenerates it’s cells very quickly.
@InTylersRoom1 a personn smoking an average of 20 cigarettes a day would need 20 days
@softshock9 one coffie cup a year. i saw it on National Geographic
lol my advice is to cut down on them iv been smoking for about two years and all i need on most occasions is one a day… ill take like 5 hits and just put it out and save it lol i dont know it saves money …
oh yeah great waste there bud
as a smoker i doo know the what happens but for some one who doesn’t smoke and wasted soooo much money on cigarette’s too prove a point that we all know, come on u could have used that money for something better!!!
the guys trying to make a point, sure this experiment is a terrible representation of what actually happens but lol at the dumasses who think cigarettes are not at all bad
i love smoking cigarettes,who gives a fuck about the side effects.more people die in car accidents but we still drive cars,don’t we?
What a waste of 400 cigarettes…
@softshock9 but 1 thing do you get it in ur longs or not maybe people smoke 1000+ each month
i sucsessfully quit smoking!!
those didnt have filters..
wat a waste
Moma didnt raise no quitter!