Quit Smoking Tip: Healthy Diets During Withdrawal | HealthiNation

Don’t let weight gain scare you away from quitting smoking. It’s time for a rejuvenating diet plan. Related Videos: Quit Smoking Tip: What Happens When We Smoke | HealthiNation www.youtube.com Quit Smoking Tip: Set A Quit Day! | HealthiNation www.youtube.com Quit Smoking Tip: Stress & Withdrawal | HealthiNation www.youtube.com Success Story: I Quit Smoking! (Part 1 of 2) | HealthiNation www.youtube.com Success Story: You Can Be A Quitter Too (Part 2 of 2) | HealthiNation www.youtube.com TRANSCRIPT: If you’re going to be a quitter, then you need to live like a quitter, and that means getting started on a healthy diet that will help your body recover from the effects of smoking. But a diet doesn’t mean cutting out foods — in fact, limiting your food intake while trying to quit may increase your cigarette cravings. Instead, develop a nourishing plan that will help you get through those first rough months. Snacks are your friend — carry light snacks like pretzels, nuts, and fruits with you everywhere to keep your hands and mouth busy. Incorporate filling grains like whole-wheat pasta into your larger meals; fried and fatty foods will only add to the sluggishness you may be feeling. And when you do need some pep, say no to crave-triggering caffeine in soda and coffee and opt for tea or water instead. And remember, even if you do put on a few extra pounds during this time, the years you will add onto your life will make it well worth it! Sources: 1. Quitting Smoking- Help for

When you quit smoking do you get a cold?

I thought I heard that somewhere… Well I just quit smoking about 3 weeks ago and have crazy sinus pressure and congestion and starting to cough up brownish phlem this morning… I live in South Florida so I usually only get sick when the weather changes and so far it’s still in the high 8os here,lol…. So could this cold be from quitting smoking you think?

Spiritually asking, what’s an effective way to quit smoking for good?

I’ve been smoking for about 3 and a half years now ever since my senior year of high school. Now I think I’m at the point where I want to quit but cigs have become such an integral part of my life that I can’t even go a few days without smoking. What are some effective ways of quitting smoking. Preferably answers from ex-smokers please, since they can level with me.

Is it harder to lose weight after you quit smoking?

I quit smoking four months ago, and have gained quite a bit of weight. I know I eat too much and I’m sure it’s because I am substituting smoking with food. Anyway, I worked out and dieted hardcore for over a month and nothing happened. Normally I lose weight relatively quickly if I am working my butt off at the gym and watching my diet. Is this lack of weight loss due to my quitting smoking? I smoked for 9 years.

What is the best way to QUIT SMOKING?

I have smoked for many years now. I’m already overweight, so I wanted to find out what was the best way to quit smoking for sure. I didn’t want to gain anymore weight by quitting smoking, and wanted to quit for sure now.

Does anyone have any good suggestions that could help me quit forever?


Can someone advise me about how to quit smoking marijuana?

I smoke daily and have always enjoyed it. But I feel guilty for spending so much money and living life with a buzz. It feels like I always need to be high just to get through the day and I never lived this way before I started smoking years ago. All of my friends smoke weed and it would be hard to be around them when they do it. I am also scared I will be terribly bored or won’t know what to do with my time. (learned habit, i know)
How can I go about quitting smoking weed? What are some benefits to quitting? Some encouragement to quit? or some ideas to hang out with friends or stay sober?

What ways can i still get pleasure when i quit smoking?

I found a good website on quitting smoking and here was one of the things it said…
What pleasures do you get from smoking? What ways can you still get pleasure if you quit?
The pleasures i get from smoking is the feeling of being relaxed so i don’t know what will replace it!
Have you any knowledge on quitting smoking?

Whats the best way to quit smoking without depression?

I am so ready to quit smoking but as stupid as it sounds I feel like quitting smoking is losing a best friend. I get so depressed when I try to quit which makes me start back. Any tips for quitting. The gum and patch just don’t work for me. I’d like to quit before it’s too late.