I found a good website on quitting smoking and here was one of the things it said…
What pleasures do you get from smoking? What ways can you still get pleasure if you quit?
The pleasures i get from smoking is the feeling of being relaxed so i don’t know what will replace it!
Have you any knowledge on quitting smoking?

i don’t know!!
you are cute!
I’m sure you will get more pleasure from the ladies without cigarettes hanging from your mouth!
start lifting weights
The pleasure of being able to take a deep breath without passing out!
when i quit, i made a deal with myself that i never have to give up coffee. like smoking, coffee is both a relaxing break and a stimulant at the same time.
don’t start drinking tons, but two really good cups a day are wonderful – and i’ve stayed off the smokes for 10 years!
knowing u gone stay alive another day n not die because of u smoking n the pleasure of living your life 2 the fullest. my aunt died from smoking n it caused her heart problems she never knew what the effects are.