Send this vid to all your smoker friends, see if it helps them give up! 🙂 Don’t forget to rate and comment!! You made any resolutions this year? You broken them yet?? —————– ————————– ———————————- smoking quit cigarette smoke…

Stop Smoking | Smoking Cessation
good question!
hey that wasnt #) seconds that was a minute
I just quit smoking 2 weeks ago… Weeeeeeeeed that is 😉
he is rite if u smoke 2 a day ur better off quiting. trust me its a badddd habbit and it will be to laate when u decide to really quit
@iggy35 Nice comeback.
hahaha i was watching this when i just lighted a sigaret
It’s so fake, I almost start smoking.. xD
that rain cloud is an ASSHOLE!
This just made me want a smoke even more. If your a smoker, you know what I’m talking about.
@iggy35 rofl
pretty cool vid… i hate fuckers who quit smoking though… and dont try’n get me to send this shit vid to my “friends” who “smoke”…. “crack” and “heroin”
Quit Smoking in 30 SECONDS!! bull, the vedio is 58 seconds long
Quit Smoking in 30 SECONDS!! bull, the vedio is 58 seconds long
lighting killed him, not smoking. Whats your message?
i have a really good remedy to quit smoking ok
1.smoke your last cigerette
2.then throw all your cigerettes and cigerette bowls away
3.brush your teeth clearly to get the taste out of your mouth
4.before you go to bed plan out your whole week put in exerscising,going out with friends,reading,dancing and etc.
5.after a week see if you still have the feeling of need to cigerettes if yes plan out two weeks of the same thing dancing etc.if not then happy life without cigeretes
hope it helps
I smoke around 60 cigarettes a day and I feel great
hahahaha good
@EmperorOfMars i think the massage is that lighting never strikes twice but if it strikes u then it hurst !
Fail… =.=
Now I just want uh Ciggy…
are you kidding me !!!!!!!!!!
now i wanna smoke another one lol.. this didnt help
82skinhead how many lungs u got lol
Ill try to quit after this pack i have… for real man ill try.
Kids NEVER START SMOKING! its not bs it does kill.