I am so ready to quit smoking but as stupid as it sounds I feel like quitting smoking is losing a best friend. I get so depressed when I try to quit which makes me start back. Any tips for quitting. The gum and patch just don’t work for me. I’d like to quit before it’s too late.

"What you call depression is in reality an illusion" HA HA HA!!! No effing way it’s an illusion! Been there and it’s real!
Hey, This isn’t a smoking cessation program or gimmick- definately not any kind of sales pitch either. 3 Weeks ago I ordered an E Cigarette. I figured if I was going to smoke, I might as well try to get off tobacco. Anyway…
I found this forum on e-cigs and did a lot of reading before I decided on which model and supplier etc.
I’ve been off real cigs for 4 days now, with no depression at all and no real withdrawal symptoms like all the other times. I control my nicotine lvl and will gradually step it down; when I’M ready!
Do yourself a favor and check it out. Costs nothing but time to do some reading.
Allan Carr`s "Easyway to Quit Smoking"
It`s just about the best damn $13 you can spend. What the book does is dispel all the myths of smoking ie. seeing a cigarette as a "best friend", set your mind right so that when you quit, it`s just that; Easy.
Tobacco withdrawal is such a mild "discomfort". It just feels like you are hungry. What is tough is the mental side of it. What you call depression is in reality an illusion. The addicted mind constructs a false reality in the mind making it seemingly impossible to quit. But it isn`t. Smokers are just brainwashed into seeing tobacco in a positive way (smoking has ZERO positives to it….you may think that there are "positives" but they are just illusions as I hope you will find out) To see tobacco as "crutch", a "friend", a necessary item in times of stress or relaxation (it`s odd that something "helps you out" in times of stress and relaxation, complete opposites) is all part of the great lie. Smoking is none of that. It`s not your friend cause friends don`t end up killing you.
Trust me. You have nothing to lose (except a tiny bit of $) and everything to gain.
It`s not hard to quit once you fully understand your enemy.
Good Luck.
See: HOW TO QUIT SMOKING – TIPS ON GIVING UP SMOKING, in section 52, and the first page, at http://www.ezy-build.net.nz/~shaneris Try the free addictions hypnosis. Most people are suggestible, to some degree, so you could either seek professional hypnotherapy, or, quicker, cheaper, and more conveniently: http://www.hypnosisdownloads.com 10 Steps to Become a Non Smoker