My friend just started smoking cigarettes two weeks ago, he smokes like maybe once or twice a day. He tells me that he hates the smell and taste of it, but its just something to do, then he says its just something to do for now and he can quit whenever he wants. But I know people can say that, but then they get addicted and I dont want that to happen to him.

hey Darian i can recommend a program that i used on myself & now i don’t smoke .
AND you can use this same program on your friend
The Program is called "Quit Smoking Today" which will
STOP Cravings – It is very frustrating to constantly crave everything about these dirty cigarettes. Quit Smoking Today will take the "Will" out of "Will Power" leaving you only with the “Power” to quit without cravings!
*STOP Short Tempers – Many people that are able to quit smoking either cold turkey or using one of the many other less effective solutions out there become very irritable and difficult to be around, but not with our program.
*STOP Excessive Hunger – Don’t be a statistic! Out of those select few that are able to quit smoking as a result of one of those gums, pills, patches, potion, or anything similar, the majority of them eat uncontrollably! With Quit Smoking Today, your appetite and want for food will remain normal.
*STOP Weight Gain – Trading in a smoking problem for obesity is absolutely NOT the solution to your dilemma. If done correctly using our NLP techniques, quitting smoking will play no role in significant weight gain.
For FULL article plz visit the source site below
Your friend was an idiot for starting in the first place, and he is an idiot to think he can "stop anytime he wants." I don’t think there is anything you can say to help him. He’s obviously not smart enough to listen to reason.
ask him what he would do if his mommy started doing it
i luff you so much will u go out with me send me a message for my email address and phone number u sexi beast
Actually, there are electronic cigarettes now too; they have basically the same effect (provide nicotine) but they don’t require you to destroy your lungs like traditional cigarettes do. You may want to take a look at them for your friend; I know a couple guys at work who have one.
Hi Darian
I used to smoke for 32 years. I tried everything to quit. Gum rotted my teeth, patches kept me hooked, the electronic cigarettes were like smoking crack. What helped me quit was hypnosis. Smoking is first and foremost a psychological addiction. Hypnosis works by essentially rewiring your brain to shift your paradigm (attitude) towards certain actions, situations, or objects. Have you ever been in a situation where you had an irrational fear of something like public speaking? As you walk to the podium, you repeat over in your mind " I can do this, I’m not afraid",That’s a form of self hypnosis. The program I used is amazing in just one hour I lost my craving for nicotine. 94% of everyone who has taken this program has quit in one hour, without cravings, without ever wanting to smoke again. 94%! And when I say “no cravings,” I mean you won’t crave smoking, you won’t feel struggle, you won’t crave food and gain weight,
you won’t feel nervous or fidgety. You just plain will feel good, and you will not fail (again)! I know of no other plan, program, that has that track record. Check out the sources below to find testimonials
Good Luck Darian, Thanks
LOL, he’s history, because he’s already enjoying it. Don’t forget, it’s a drug, and a very enjoyable one. He isn’t going to stop because it makes him feel so good. And he isn’t going to listen to sense, he’ll find a reason to keep doing it until he’s hooked.