I’ve been smoking for about 3 and a half years now ever since my senior year of high school. Now I think I’m at the point where I want to quit but cigs have become such an integral part of my life that I can’t even go a few days without smoking. What are some effective ways of quitting smoking. Preferably answers from ex-smokers please, since they can level with me.

The patch worked for me, but there is also the gum, and perhaps even electronic cigarettes might work.
dying would be a pretty effective way of quitting cold turkey.
when I quit i was using chewing gum instead….try it…gum wont kill you!!
will power
I think the only way is to sever ties with anything that reminds you of smoking.
I can never help myself when around my friends who smoke, but apart from that I’m ok.
Also try a substitute. Gum or something. I have snuff. It helps.
Two days and nights in a hospital ward with chest pains did it for me.
The earlier you stop the easier it is. Don’t carry on for much longer and don’t waste your money on those nicotine replacement "treatments", they don’t work and they’re often produced by the same companies that produce cigarettes. Exercise helps.
I quit cold turkey 3 years ago after smoking for 20 years. I went 9 months, then had "just one". It took maybe 2 months, but I got hooked again. I didn’t smoke as much as I did the first time but I was at a pack a day. I quit again 91 days ago using Chantix. Chantix is hell on earth. It makes you dumb, irritable, overly emotional and all kinds of bad crap. i have a much better understanding of mental illness. All I can say is that now I know that if I start up again, I wasted 6 weeks of sheet misery.
I’m also racking the money, I figure I’ve saved about $650 or so.
You smoke because you want to smoke. Until you truly decide, deep down, that you don’t want to smoke anymore, nothing is going to work. Once you really decide that smoking is no longer an option, you won’t need any help.
I use to be a smoker and I quit, it was hard. I could start smoking again but how dumb would that be? It can be done and spiritually speaking you won’t be around gossipers.
The best way to quit smoking for good is to quit smoking…. for good.
I smoked for… (counting)….. 16 years and I tried to quit a million times. I was always very good at quitting, not so good at staying quit. I finally quit a year ago with my husband (by far the longest I’ve made it and I have no intentions of starting again). I always started up again because I mistakenly thought I could just smoke one cig – I can’t.
You have to decide that you don’t want to smoke anymore. You have to genuinely want to not smoke because quitting is not easy. Over 90% of ex-smokers who have quit long term, quit cold turkey. So don’t waste your time with gum, patches, etc. It’s just stringing it out.
Just decide you will quit and quit. Be prepared for the first few days to suck really bad and then it will get better. But you will be so glad when you get through it. I promise.
http://whyquit.com <————– a really good resource.
edited to fix a link.
I love to smoke, but I have 2 kids and another on the way so I had to quit. Initially I used a technique from Tony Robbins’ Unlimited Power where I pictured my lungs looking and smelling like a dirty, cigarette-filled ashtray. Negative imagery and the fear of death definitely help. Peppermint tea, exercise, gum, visualization techniques, and meditation help as well. Stay away from places where others are smoking and try to stay busy. Watching television, reading, and listening to music can also help.
I would also recommend the electronic cigarette. It has even helped famous smokers like Johnny Depp quit smoking. Keep in mind that this will be a constant battle. Stay strong, and never give up.
Hope this helps!
Spiritually quiting? Rediscover your true self. When you do that you will be able quit anything, not just smoking.