I quit smoking 2 weeks ago today and for the last 5 days I have had this feeling of a lump in my throat. My throat also feels very dry and irritated. Has anyone else had this side effect? I went to my GP today and he wasnt sure if the quitting was the cause but gave me samples of a med for acid reflux. I don’t know what to think.

Congratulations on quitting smoking. Your doctor is probably correct. I suggest that you also chew gum and stay away from spicy food and acidic drinks for a week. See how this works along with your medicine. Good luck!
Definitely cancer.
Switch GP’s……
Your GP should have known that cigarette smoking masks some soar throats amongst other things…. So when a person quits smoking they end up with a soar thoat… sometime even more colds…
the smoking only masked these sympthoms……
Acid reflux is associated with heartburn not soar throats… seriously… get a second opinion.