I quit smoking last april and have gained about ten pounds since then. I wasnt heavy to begin with but I dont want my weight to creep up on me. I used to be able to lose 10 pounds easy now it seems harder. Any ideas why?

Stop Smoking | Smoking Cessation
the simple answer:
You can now taste the food. As such, you tend to enjoy it more hence eating more.
As well, psychologically you need to do something with your hands and we tend to eat something small that we can hold in our fingers (so once again eating more).
Exerercise more. When you would take a smoke break before spend this time on a brisk walk instead. This will burn off the calories of the extra food you are taking in due to quitting smoking.
Congrats on quitting. If I could only join you in your amazing feat 🙂
well i know smoking reduces your appetite so maybe you were eating less and therefore kinda putting urself on a diet without even knowing it. So i would say your prob just eating more,
putting things into your mouth is a habit formed by bringing a cigarette to your lips constantly
once you get rid of one habbit you go on to another one like eating constantly non-stop especially crunchy stuff
Before when you were hungry you may have simply gone out and had a cigarette (unbenknownst to you) which would stave off hunger for awhile where as now, you have no way of sating that oral fixation in any way except eating. most people don’t know how to separate their cravings into what they really are like the need for water, food or drugs. try drinking a ton of water when you feel like eating…or chew a peice of gum. it may work, it may not.
Several reasons, A nicotine is a stimulant, so it speeds up your metabolism, B) it’s an appetite suppresent, it tricks your body into thinking its fuller than it is. C) It ruins your tastebuds, so food is blander and less appealing and D) the extra time and desire to be satisfied from smoking has to go to something so food generally ends up taking its place.