So we’ve been talking for a while, and he told me straight up that he smokes cigarettes, but doesn’t do drugs or drink. I’ve always hated that he does that, because I care about him and I hate that he’s doing that to his body. And whenever I try to mention how bad it is, he brings up how drinking is worse (because occasionally I go out drinking with my friends). I just want him to stop smoking. How can I tell him that I want him to quit?

It’s very hard for some people to quit smoking. Simply because you ask him to, or tell him to, doesn’t mean he will. This will also lead to more tension in your relationship, because you’ll feel like he doesn’t respect your wishes, and he’ll feel like you’re nagging him.
While smoking and drinking are two different things, we all have our vices. Your choices are: be with a smoker, or don’t be with a smoker. You get to choose.
Tell him all the things that can cause esp. to his lungs and also the "second hand smoke" which kids will also be affected.
Drinking is hardly worse than smoking! Only if you are an alcoholic is drinking a danger. And drinking won’t make you an alcoholic if you aren’t already an alcoholic. Smoking will kill everyone who does it long enough.
If he will not quit under any circumstances just leave him. Can you imagine marrying someone like that? If he wants you enough, he will quit for you. Otherwise, yeah, he’s a jerk.
You both sound very immature and that you have babyish arguements. But, regardless, don’t nag him about smoking, he’ll just resist you which will just create further childishness! If you don’t like that he smokes, break up!