Joyce quits smoking

Smoking cigarettes is a legal habit with devastating consequences, and it is extremely profitable for the makers and tax collectors. It is not easy to quit. Offer your support and advice to Joyce. If you have ever smoked, how did you quit?

How can I help a friend quit smoking?

My best friend has been smoking about a month, and wants to quit, but is already pretty addicted – he is stressed a lot, and took up the habit to help ease the stress. I don’t live close to him, but can anyone give me ideas on how to help someone quit smoking?

I have emailed him the risks of smoking, and things like that, but wish I could do more.

How long after you quit smoking will your lungs be completely healed?

I was a daily smoker, but only about once or twice a day, and I used filtered and low-tar cigarettes. Some days I would skip because I wasn’t feeling up for it. Smoking was a habit for me for about 15 years and I quit 5 years ago. How long will it take for my lungs to be completely clean?

How much does smoking age your skin? Is the damage done reversible if you quit?

I have been smoking a little over a pack a day for eight years. I am only twenty, but I have lines on my forehead that lead me to believe my habit is prematurely aging my skin. I quit smoking last week, and i am wondering if my skin will improve. Is there any way for me to get rid of these aging lines, or am I permanently screwed?

What are the simple and effective ways to quit smoking?

I am a chain smoker.
I am sick and tired of wasting my money on cigarettes.
I am also very much aware of horrible consequences. I know it causes oral cancer, it takes away 15 years of my life, causes bronchitis, sexual impotence, and strokes.

BUT I wish I know a way to break my habit to quit smoking effectively.
What methods really worked for you?

I would appreciate it comes from both smokers and non smokers!

Can someone advise me about how to quit smoking marijuana?

I smoke daily and have always enjoyed it. But I feel guilty for spending so much money and living life with a buzz. It feels like I always need to be high just to get through the day and I never lived this way before I started smoking years ago. All of my friends smoke weed and it would be hard to be around them when they do it. I am also scared I will be terribly bored or won’t know what to do with my time. (learned habit, i know)
How can I go about quitting smoking weed? What are some benefits to quitting? Some encouragement to quit? or some ideas to hang out with friends or stay sober?

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If you have quit smoking or are trying to quit, what is your biggest challenge?

I quit smoking in 1971. Except for a few cigars I haven’t smoked since and my last cigar was in 1977. Have you quit or are you trying to kick the habit? I quit cold turkey without a support group or any kind of medicine or other aid. Once I firmly decided to quit I had no trouble staying quit, but I did backslide several times on the way to successfully quitting. I never doubted I could kick the habit, though it was not easy to quit after years as a smoker.
Between my first serious attempt to quit smoking and my final successful attempt there was a span of six years and probably four or five tries to quit. It was not easy, and the hardest part was being around other people who smoked. In one of those tries I was smoke-free for nearly three years before I backslid into the habit. So I respect anyone who has tried–failed or succeeded–and I fully sympathize with those who have the habit and want to quit.

Great answers, everyone. Thanks for participating. If you’ve quit, congratulations. If you’ve tried and failed, I respect your efforts and wish you the best.

The cost is one factor that helps me stay quit. When I last smoked cigarettes cost about 40 cents a pack.