I am a chain smoker.
I am sick and tired of wasting my money on cigarettes.
I am also very much aware of horrible consequences. I know it causes oral cancer, it takes away 15 years of my life, causes bronchitis, sexual impotence, and strokes.
BUT I wish I know a way to break my habit to quit smoking effectively.
What methods really worked for you?
I would appreciate it comes from both smokers and non smokers!

Be aware of …
· No one can quit if not entirely convinced (by him/her-self) to do so.
· There’s no best nor easy way to quit.
· Everyone is different in the way they stop smoking.
· What worked for someone might not work for others.
· The only way to tell if any given method works or not for someone is to try it.
· Anything to stop that habit is worth it.
I suggest reading http://stopsmoking.eu.pn
The site has a poor design but its contents is very reach.
You shall try hypnosis. It works. if it doesn’t work, you get a refund.
Other than that, there’s gum. Other than that, there are smokers groups, who all want to quit.
A great way is to get cancer. Then you change your ways.
I would try the hypnosis first.
I started smoking at age 12, continued until age 31. At the time I quit I was smoking 2 & 1/2 packs a day. It has now been 13 years since I last had a cigarette. If I can do it I think almost anybody can.
First and foremost, you have to really want to quit. You have to do it for yourself, not to please somebody else. Mindset is very important. Don’t say that you are trying to quit, say that you are quitting. And mean it. For me, I had to come to a point where I hated tobacco for its effects on my health and for making me a slave to the habit.
Once you have the proper mindset, things like nicotine gum or the patch can help take the edge off. I myself used the patch for the full 10-week program. But never lose sight of why you are quitting because temptation will strike often early on, and every now and then for a long time to come.You will learn to ignore those cravings and will find they don’t last long if you do so.
Nowadays I wouldn’t smoke a cigarette for a thousand dollars. I wish you the same success.