Smoking cigarettes is a legal habit with devastating consequences, and it is extremely profitable for the makers and tax collectors. It is not easy to quit. Offer your support and advice to Joyce. If you have ever smoked, how did you quit?

Stop Smoking | Smoking Cessation
Cigarette smoking killed my father.
Yeah, you decided to quit. I just made up my mind that no matter what, I was not going to buy anymore cigarettes. Then I simply asked God to help me not to smoke JUST TODAY, and EACH DAY I made that same request until one day I noticed I didn’t have to ask anymore. That was 367 days ago. You can do if I can. P. S I told my Aunt and Uncle what I did and now they are smoke free going on 2 months. With HIS help, it’s not as hard as you may think.
Oh I forgot to say I was a smoker for over 40 years. Go for it 🙂
The loss of your father will encourage me. I don’t want to leave this Earth from the cause of a cigarette disease. Thank you for sharing. Joyce
I thank you for your support. Today has not been to bad. Please keep me in your prayers. I will keep your Aunt and Uncle in my prayers. Joyce
There’s a book called The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr. It really is easy, and it really works. Painlessly, quickly, and permanently. Stopping smoking is going to be hard if you do it the hard way. Why not try The Easy Way?
One morning ten years ago, I lit up a cigarette and my heart started pounding. I quit smoking right then and there. A doctor later educated me that smoke wasn’t just hard on my lungs, but very bad for the heart as well because of the carbon monoxide that enters the blood system.
I quit ten years ago, and you will make it too Joyce. God will help you as you ask for help with quitting. You will feel much healthier and stronger as the weeks and months go by without those harmful cigarettes.
Thank you for your support and I hope you had a great day. Joyce
Thank you. I will get the book. Joyce
Thank you for your encouraging words. Joyce
That’s wonderful news. If you have any questions about Easyway, don’t hesitate to ask.
I gave the book to my uncle, asked him to read it. I said “Read the whole thing with an open mind, and follow the instructions”. And he did. January 2010. He hasn’t smoked since, has no cravings, no temptation to ever smoke again.
He’s a man nobody ever thought would be able to stop smoking. He tried many different ways, but the only way that really worked was Easyway.
I wish you best of luck in your quest for good health, take it one day at a time.
This video scares the shit out of me.. whats the point if we cannot quit smoking even when we try hard? then we buy products online and get scammed.. it has happened to me so many times.. seriously.. I gave up on humanity and internet as con-artists and scams.. guess what? I have finally quit thanks to this website nolongersmoking. com … trust me it works cuz it worked for me.. everything else out their is shit! best of luck people