Joyce quits smoking

Smoking cigarettes is a legal habit with devastating consequences, and it is extremely profitable for the makers and tax collectors. It is not easy to quit. Offer your support and advice to Joyce. If you have ever smoked, how did you quit?

Gavin Quits Smoking – Day 8

Following pressure from his four children, Oxbox Co-founder, Gavin Hyatt has decided to quit smoking on national no smoking day and compile a daily video diary about his quit. Look out for tweets from @OxboxTV, @Biggav79 and the hashtag #taketheleap

Any good ways on how to quit smoking?

I need good ways to help me quit smoking. Without buying useless crap. Cause i don’t have the money do buy it. I really need to know cause im sighing up for the US Army. And i know for sure that they are gonna make me run for miles. And i don’t wanna be the one on the ground catching my breath every now and then.

How can I quit smoking without going insane?

I want to quit smoking cigarettes so that exercising will be easier… I always feel bad about myself when I smoke a cigarette after working out, and I really want to lose those last 10 pounds. I’m not really mentally ready to quit, but I really need to save the money. But… all my friends smoke and it’s going to be hard hanging out with them while they smoke. Also, I don’t want to gain the weight that nearly everyone gains when they quit smoking. Can you offer any advice?

What are the simple and effective ways to quit smoking?

I am a chain smoker.
I am sick and tired of wasting my money on cigarettes.
I am also very much aware of horrible consequences. I know it causes oral cancer, it takes away 15 years of my life, causes bronchitis, sexual impotence, and strokes.

BUT I wish I know a way to break my habit to quit smoking effectively.
What methods really worked for you?

I would appreciate it comes from both smokers and non smokers!

What are good ways to help someone quit smoking?

My friend’s fiance has a sever breathing problem stemming from smoking to much a day. He’s 28 and on oxygen tanks. His doctor says he’s sacrificing his life. My friend can’t get him to stop because he refuses and were’re all worried. What are some good quit tips. Also what are some effective ways to comminicate with him to stop. Thanks a lot!
My friend lives we his fiance. They are living a very tight budget. They get their money from ss.