I need good ways to help me quit smoking. Without buying useless crap. Cause i don’t have the money do buy it. I really need to know cause im sighing up for the US Army. And i know for sure that they are gonna make me run for miles. And i don’t wanna be the one on the ground catching my breath every now and then.

You can do like me and just sit it down and say I don’t want anything to do with it anymore and just quit and never look back!
yes, it is hard to quit without help or support but I did it and you can too! be strong! take your life by the reigns and don’t be controlled by your addiction anymore! You control yourself and don’t let something harmful stand in your way!
When you start feeling like "I can’t do this anymore!" have a good cry and then go out like to the park or ANYWHERE where you can get AWAY from your home or normal smoking areas and just keep yourself busy!
I have faith that you can quit smoking!!! 😀
You have a goal to go to the army and the faster that you quit smoking the easier and faster you will heal! Going to the army may even help you quit! Exercise is a great alternative for smoking and is it helps if you substitute it for your cravings! After a week or 2 of not smoking you will still get cravings but you find yourself only anxious about them for about 3 seconds and then you forget… and don’t you EVER think about them because you will feel panicky… but don’t give in! be strong! You can do it!
Don’t say "I will quit after this last cigarette" because you wont! just QUIT right here right now and throw all your cigs and lighters away, dump and clean all the ashtrays, open the windows and let the air blow in the house and air the smell out… buy a whole bottle or two of febreze and use it on EVERYTHING even your floors… and get a wet soapy rag and scrub everything even the walls not only will it keep you busy when you will be needing to stay busy, you will also be taking away all of the nicotine and smoke off the walls and make it easier for you to not think about the smoke! Think of it as a time for cleansing! 😀 you can do it!!! I did!
p.s.: another thing that helps is to pretty much sleep the whole first 2 weeks of quitting… you will have awful dreams but you wont be craving knowingly! <3
Read the Allen Karr’s book, it’s really helpful
1) dont hang out with people that smoke. If you’re really committed to this army stuff then cut out those friends because you need to focus.
2) find something else to replace smoking. every time you think of a smoke eat a piece of gum or something. Don’t replace it with food because you don’t want to get fat in the process
3) if you still need help then there are free services that will help you. On my military base there is a 4 session program that eases people off smoking. They also give medications. Free. No useless crap to buy.