What are some good ways to quit smoking?

A friend of mine wants to quit smoking but he isnt really sure what’s the best way to go about it. He’s currently trying to cut back a lil bit more every week..is this enough? Anything else that could help him?

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7 thoughts on “What are some good ways to quit smoking?”

  1. Due to the unpleasantness of the withdrawal symptoms, many people who try to quit smoking end up replacing the cigarettes with some other type of addiction. This may be an addiction to prescription medication, such as sleeping tablets or tranquilizers, or an addiction to food. While you will definitely experience the health benefits of giving up nicotine, no one wants to replace one addiction with another!

    A healthy diet, adequate exercise as well as natural and holistic treatments such as acupuncture, massage and herbal and homeopathic remedies can also help the smoker overcome nicotine addiction. Herbal and homeopathic treatments are a safe and effective means to reduce nicotine cravings (without giving you more nicotine) and will also help to prevent weight gain and alleviate anxiety and irritability. Basically, natural and holistic treatments not only lessen the urge to smoke, but also help you to restore balance in your body.

    There are a number of ingredients such as Avena sativa, Garcinia cambogia and Gotu Cola (Centella asiatica) which will help to address the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. They reduce nicotine cravings and balance the mood.

    Some other useful tips to make your quest more successful:

    Join a gym and start exercising at least three times a week

    Spend more time with non-smokers and you will find yourself not wanting to smoke quite as much

    Involve yourself in other activities such as painting, scrap booking, playing golf, building puzzles, swimming, or writing poetry.

    During stressful situations when you really need to blow off steam, squeeze a stress ball, have a work-out at the gym, go running, listen to loud music or phone a friend who can offer support

  2. I was finally able to kick the habit with Chantix. Cold turkey, the patch, the gum, and Wellbutrin never worked for me at all. My last cigarette was 10pm December 15th, and I’ve been smoke-free ever since. You do need a prescription, but it worked wonders for me and I was pretty heavily addicted.

  3. Chew gum, suck on mints, find something else to do with your hands when you want a smoke.. Cutting back does not work for everyone.. Find a friend to support you and help you through it.. (sounds like you would be that support person). The more people trying to help you the better..

  4. Same here, if he wants to quit it’s cold turkey.

    i smoked for 10 years and 4 months ago I just stopped. Tried also to use the patch, the gum and everything else, but it never worked.

    Do not underestimate the power of the will.

  5. Your friend is doing pretty good by cutting back a little every week. He will eventually quit. That’s how I did it.

  6. Giving up smoking is not easy…Smoking becomes a psychological, emotional and a physical addiction and your behavior has been conditioned to follow a routine that is reinforced into a habit. You know that smoking is bad for you, even potentially lethal to your health, but you continue to smoke.
    if you really want to know how to quit smoking you can read this book and it will provide you with natural ways to quit smoking and will make you live a smoke free life http://www.megaebookmall.com/products/Kick-That-Habit-%252d-Quit-Smoking.html

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