im 21 and i started smokin at 15. it was the STUPIDEST decision of my life. i have tried quiting in so many ways nut i cant quit i tried Nicolette gum, nicotine patches, and cold Turkey . I herd about champ ex my doctor said that 90 percent of the people that take champ ex quit smoking but it can have bad side effects such as depression. has anyone here been an champ ex, and give me some good tips on how i can quit smoking.
Tag: cold turkey
What is the best way to quit smoking?
I need some advice on how to quit smoking. I have tried cold turkey and smoking fewer, but I eventually go right back into the nasty habit. Anything will help. Thanks.
How long did you crave cigarettes after you quit smoking?
I am bound and determined to quit smoking, it’s been two days since I’ve had a smoke. I used to smoke a pack a day. I went cold turkey, and am using nicotine gum But the cravings are still really strong to smoke. I know individual experience will vary, but how long did it take for your really bad cravings to go away?
How do you quit smoking and stick with it?
Ok ive tried to quit smoking and its very hard ive tried chewing gum nicotine gum and tried cold turkey but still cant find the willpower to quit im wanting to do it for health reasons and it also just downright stanks! If anyone has any tips or any knowledge of how to quit can you please share and what can help me to quit? Thanks for looking!
Does anyone know if medicaid pays for any kind of quit smoking aides?
I have recently found out I have something wrong with my heart they think its right sided ventricle and they say I need to quit smoking. Been smoking now for 15 yrs. tried to quit cold turkey don’t have enough will power to do this. Can anyone give me some ideas that medicaid will cover or home remedies, Thanks.
How hard is it to quit smoking?
I want to start smoking and I am old enough to buy cigarettes. If I do decide to begin, how hard will it be to quit? I’ve quit other bad habits cold turkey without any problem. Let me know what you think.
quit smoking?
i want to quit smoking but i’ve tried going cold turkey and it didn’t stressful! any advise?help!
quit smoking?
i just quit smoking beginig of anuary. i just quit cold turkey. now im starting to get cravings again, is this normal?
Quit Smoking.?
My boyfriend and i live together. We have decided to try to quit smoking. So far i am doing pretty good, i went cold turkey and it has been five days. He, on the other hand, lasted only one day. Although he has cut back dramatically (between 1 and 3 smokes a day), it is making it harder for me to quit, knowing that he is still smoking. Any suggestions on how i can help him try a little harder?
Quit Smoking?
What is the best way to quit smoking I am 20 and I’ve been smoking for 6 years I know I started early nasty habit. I’m ready to quit I think. What are some ways cold turkey does not help!