im 21 and i started smokin at 15. it was the STUPIDEST decision of my life. i have tried quiting in so many ways nut i cant quit i tried Nicolette gum, nicotine patches, and cold Turkey . I herd about champ ex my doctor said that 90 percent of the people that take champ ex quit smoking but it can have bad side effects such as depression. has anyone here been an champ ex, and give me some good tips on how i can quit smoking.

Good for you for making this decision. I smoked much longer then you and I’ve tried all ways, but none worked for me. I devised my own plan and it really worked well for me. This plan makes it all up to you, but it’s not hard to follow. Remember nicotine is a drug and with this plan you’ll be in charge of taking yourself off slowly. Here’s the plan. Maybe it will work for you. Start on a day when you get out of bed one day. Go till only 9 a.m. before you have the first one. Smoke your normal amount but don’t have anything after 11 p.m. Do that format for three days then move the times up and down. First one on the fourth day is after 10 a.m. and the last one before 10 p.m. Even if you smoke one per hour you’ll only smoke half a pack a day at that rate. Even that is good to start with. Do that 10 to 10 format for two days, then back it up again. You first one no sooner then noon and nothing after 9 p.m. You can see from that just how that works. You’re taking yourself off gradually. Of course it will still require discipline on your part, but you can do it if you really want to quit.
I stopped for the whole day once I got to a three hour time frame. I just didn’t have the desire I had before and I even had some left over that I threw away. This way it’s all up to you and if you want it bad enough it will work. I smoked for over 25 years and I did it so I know you can. Give it a try. Even if you fail the first time give it another try. It will work.
join the gym and whenever u have the feeling to smoke, drink juice.
limit yourself to about half a pack a day or less and if you go over thta set up some sort of punishment system… then gradually reduce your allowance of cigarettes per day/ week/ month
here is a better way, everytime you light up a cigarette take it out of your mouth and jam it in your eye, that should help because after 2 times of doing that you wont be able see cigarettes your going to buy