my friend does bunch of drugs and is planning on taking exstacy tomorrow for the school dance and all, but she just recently started using patches to quit smoking, would it be dangerous? if so why ? i know shes smoked weed since , it hasnt done anything ?

the weed wont matter, but the ecstasy might be a problem
its dangerous even without the patch
yea stupid, r u retarded?
Weed doesn’t really do anything, but exstacy is just a dirty homemade drug. Whether she is on the nicorette patch or not, its just dangerous and gross, and has permanent effects of major depressive disorder in people who use it regulary, because it replaces neurotransmitters in your brain that eventually die, and cannot be replaced or regenerated so you just end up depressed in the long run. Very lame.
if ur taking ecs, smoking is the least of ur worries…. quite eccies first, then weed, then smokes and get into dirtbikes
Ok check it first off the patch goes through the blood stream unlike just regular smoking so it gives you a high right there it makes you feel wired smoking weed while on the patch will only bring you down a little bit but here’s the kicker Ecstasy will only intensify the effect of the patch which in return will send her to the hospital or possibly a seizure or death do what you can to stop her if you can’t stop her than all I can say is lesson learned on her part we all need to learn from our mistakes but if you can help her do it.
The exstacy might be qa problem.stop her..