I had a baby in October 2008. I didn’t smoke while pregnant. I have found myself smoking 1-5 cigarettes a day and can’t seem to quit..Any tips for quitting completely?
Author: aaa_janitor
The time to quit
Here is someone who has looked at smoking from a rational basis and has come to the conclusion that it is time to give up smoking.
I decided for myself that I do want to quit smoking, be prepared for some changes.keep your fingers crossed for me..that would help me a lot.
How do I get my parents to stop smoking?
My parents have been smoking for years. I have asthma and I have a 3 year old little brother. My parents try not to smoke around us and used to smoke out of our chimney in the winter. But now we just moved into a new house, and there is no fireplace so they just smoke in the house. They can’t afford to use those quit smoking programs and buying cigarettes 3 times a day doesn’t help. They are truly amazing people, but smoking isn’t really making a good influence on others especially my brother and I. How can I get them to stop smoking?
quit smoking commercial
Still wondering if you should quit and you have kids, check this out.
little boy lost his mum
How to quit smoking completely if i smoke only one or two Cigarettes a day?
I have been smoking for 10 months and i used to smoke around 5 Cigarettes a day……Now my Fiance seriously wants me to quit smoking completely….I didn’t smoked for one whole week but then again i started smoking one or two cigarettes. Whenever i get up after sleep or sit where my friends are smoking. I feel like smoking. Please tell me how can i quit it completely….!!!!
How do I quit smoking when my husband refuses to quit smoking in the house?
There is no way to get him to quit smoking inside the house. None. He smokes all over the house and he smokes a lot. How am I supposed to quit ??
How did nother people stop smoking?
How did you stop smoking? Are there any free stop smoking aides out there?
How to Quit Smoking
Looking for the steps on how to give up smoking. This video has a good list to get you started.
You say you want to feel better, live longer, and even have a little extra cash on hand? Easy. Just quit smoking.
Can You Stop Smoking Cold Turkey and Not Gain Weight?
I would like to stop smoking cold turkey. I’m afraid of going for food while doing this and getting fat. Is there anything I can do or take so I don’t go for food as a substitution? And is it safe to stop cold turkey?
How do you quit smoking when your spouse smokes?
I really want to stop smoking before it takes a toll on me in any way. I hate the smell of cigarettes on my clothes and the transfer from my sheets to my bedding. We don’t smoke in our home except the bathroom. The main problem is I’ve tried to quit before (I smoke half a pack a day) but my DH smokes two packs a day and when he smokes when he gets home it makes it hard for me to quit. What do I do and/or what’s the best way to quit?