How do you quit smoking and stick with it?

Ok ive tried to quit smoking and its very hard ive tried chewing gum nicotine gum and tried cold turkey but still cant find the willpower to quit im wanting to do it for health reasons and it also just downright stanks! If anyone has any tips or any knowledge of how to quit can you please share and what can help me to quit? Thanks for looking!

Does anyone know if medicaid pays for any kind of quit smoking aides?

I have recently found out I have something wrong with my heart they think its right sided ventricle and they say I need to quit smoking. Been smoking now for 15 yrs. tried to quit cold turkey don’t have enough will power to do this. Can anyone give me some ideas that medicaid will cover or home remedies, Thanks.

What happens to your body if you quit smoking weed right now?

Many of us have seen the chart titled "What happens to your body if you quit smoking right now?" It is pretty easy to find. How many of these entries apply to weed? How long will it be until the mental aspects of weed (laziness, fuzzy thinking, paranoia) dissipate and I can no longer use the substance as an explanation? How long until I will no longer test positive?

How long after you quit smoking will your lungs be completely healed?

I was a daily smoker, but only about once or twice a day, and I used filtered and low-tar cigarettes. Some days I would skip because I wasn’t feeling up for it. Smoking was a habit for me for about 15 years and I quit 5 years ago. How long will it take for my lungs to be completely clean?