Smoking is harder to quit for women

This is a very interesting discussion as to whether it is harder for women to quit smoking than men. Some see not difference between the sexes on this topic at all.

A new study has shown that male and female brains respond differently to nicotine. This has prompted scientists to rethink treatment programmes to help women give up smoking. Source FAIR USE NOTICE: This video has been posted to further advance our understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, Technological, democratic, scientific, and social justice issues which constitutes a “fair use” of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 USC Section 107 for research and educational purposes.

How to explain to my boyfriend that I want him to quit smoking?

So we’ve been talking for a while, and he told me straight up that he smokes cigarettes, but doesn’t do drugs or drink. I’ve always hated that he does that, because I care about him and I hate that he’s doing that to his body. And whenever I try to mention how bad it is, he brings up how drinking is worse (because occasionally I go out drinking with my friends). I just want him to stop smoking. How can I tell him that I want him to quit?

Is it dangerous to smoke weed/take exstacy if youre using the nicorette patch to quit smoking?

my friend does bunch of drugs and is planning on taking exstacy tomorrow for the school dance and all, but she just recently started using patches to quit smoking, would it be dangerous? if so why ? i know shes smoked weed since , it hasnt done anything ?

How to quit smoking when your young and in the nightlife ?

I’m 21 years old and been smoking for 5 years now my sense of smell is diminishing and I’m concern. I’m in the growing up phase which means partying, clubbing and drugs but realize that it will slowly become worst. So how can I quit smoking when it’s like a social part of my life?