I’m 21 years old and been smoking for 5 years now my sense of smell is diminishing and I’m concern. I’m in the growing up phase which means partying, clubbing and drugs but realize that it will slowly become worst. So how can I quit smoking when it’s like a social part of my life?

You must know what are the advantages of quitting:
This will keep you motivated throughout. My friend was chain smoker and he quit. He use to say, just be mentally strong and you can do it. Here are some tips that helped him:
first you need to accept that smoking stinks and u smell like a tramp after u smoke, then the next thinkg to do is not buy a box of ciggs. i quit 2 years ago purly by forcing myself not to but the ciggs for a month. if you can quit for a month you can quit for life
Lots of people have had great success when they use hypnosis to quit smoking.
This is not a very mainstream method, and you’ll need an open mind for it to work, but if it works, you’re allmost guaranteed to never smoke again, there are many offers out there, look around and find one that suits for you, be it in the office of a hypnotherapist, or hypnosis session mp3.