I’m thinking about quitting smoking. I know I want to quit within the next 2 years. The only thing is that I really enjoy smoking. I smoke roughly 15 a day. I would like to know how to quit without using the patch or gum. I can’t quit all at once but would like to ease into it by smoking less and less. So what I really need to know also is…
How do you make yourself smoke less?

Get a jar with a lid, put some water in it, add cigarette buts, seal jar. When want to smoke, unseal and inhale the aroma from said jar.
each day try to make it a goal to smoke at least 1 or 2 less cigarettes per day until u get down to none when u feel the need to smoke eat sunflower seeds
do it cold turkey
smoke less and less each day, also something that helped my dad stop is he bought the less tasty cig’s…that made him sick lol. good luck
You should try hypnosis. Lots of people have had success with it but you really have to want to quit. Maybe look on the internet or at the library for photos of the lungs of deceased smokers. They are all black–dead tissue and tar!! : o
Trust me, I tried that approach several times (slowing down), and it doesn’t work for most. I would HIGHLY recommend that you try Chantix, a new prescription with promising results, or use nicorette like me. The only downside to the gum is the price, but hey it’s better than lung cancer. Also, incorporate exercise or another good habit to disrupt your daily routine. Good Luck!!!!!!
I’ve never smoked before, but I know what it is like to really want to do something and keep yourself from doing it. I did it to lose weight and eat healthier. It was so difficult not to get food and eat it. The problem is you are battling with yourself, against something that you Desire. You have to Over come yourself. You will feel horrible like you are a massive failure if you give in, and you’ll feel so proud when you don’t do it. There is no point to smoking except that i know it makes you feel good.
But you have to set yourself in a Mental state where you would never want to smoke, and never be one that would smoke. In order to do that you may have to write down on a piece of paper "i will not smoke ever again" a few times. or say it out loud when you wake up in the morning. It has to become a ritual in life. you have to Break your current pattern, which is the hardest step, but the biggest.
try these tips:
-whenever you REALLY crave a cigg, put a timer on for five minutes and dont light it until the timer goes off.. do this and gradually work your way to 10, 15, 20, and even 30 minutes. chew some gum or drink water in the process.
-BELIEVE in yourself, and KNOW that you can quit
-make a list of all the positives of quitting smoking (ex: save money, live longer, dont always have the smell of smoke.. ect) and hang it where you can see it every day.
-set a quit date. write down a date when you will never ever have a cigarette again. write it down, plan for it, and prepare yourself for it.
-get a friend to quit with you. knowing someone else is going through something with you can encourage you to keep it up. you could be each other’s place to fall back on
-think of what you are doing to youself every time you light a cigg. whenever you take a puff, think of a negative thing (ex: i am hurting other’s around me, over 400, 000 people die EACH YEAR doing what i am doing right now)
-some people think its easier to quit "cold turkey" than trying to gradually move off it. see what works best for you and come up with your own special tips
-when craving a cigg start cooking a meal that needs maintaining, that way you can’t stop to have a smoke.
-buy one pack of ciggs at a time, and switch to a brand that you dont like
-start only smoking in certain places such as outdoors.
Good luck. Google some more if you need them 🙂
🙂 LIVE YOUR LIFE! smoke-free BABY!
The worse thing is to quit with smoking starts in your head! Its a drug you need it to feel good. You said you enjoy smoking but u need the willing to stop. That means if you try to smoke less and less that wont work because in stressy situations you will smoke more to calm down. If you really want to stop smoking you need to do it without any help.
limit urself on the amount like make someone hide the whole pack and leave 5
Check out this site that has the informations (all kinds of ways) on how to quit smoking:
Alternatively, you can always consult a physician at the hospital.
I managed once to cut down to five a day using hypnosis but it was a constant struggle and I couldn’t get below it.
Why not use the drugs? They increase your chances of success and make the process of quitting less uncomfortable.
Visit http://www.stopsmoking4good.org or e-mail me at StopSmoking4Good@yahoo.com
There are many different options available for smokers these days other than just the patch or gum.
There are inhalers, lozenges and even prescription medication to help. Chantix is a prescription med approved by the FDA that is offered by Pfizer. It blocks the nicotine receptors so you do not get that rush from the cigarettes and slowly your cravings go away. Only a physician will know if this is right for you.