Now this guy really has it bad. Ever feel like there’s nothing that can take your mind off smoking? We know how you feel. Introducing the newest way to make quitting suck less the new Nicorette mini Lozenge! It dissolves up to three times faster than other stop smoking lozenges and provides fast craving relief. Watch a sneak peak of our never-before-seen commercial now!

On 9/11, World Trade Center tower 7 fell straight down at free-fall speed through 47 floors in 6.5 seconds. Unlike twin towers 1 and 2, no plane hit tower 7. Both CNN and the BBC reported the collapse of tower 7 before it actually happened. Why is this?
Tower 7 collapse: watch?v=Nj487RNAi14
CNN prior knowledge: watch?v=N1LetB0z8_o
BBC prior knowledge: watch?v=6mxFRigYD3s
Did he died.
q poca ma.. todo por el pinche bicio
i bet he quit right after that!
stupidest ad i’ve seen this year
Ha! Ha! HA!
free the weed
lmao i was like wtf then i was o now i get it then i was like wth is there a sarrk in there
Did d shark died?
lol wow i dunno how effective this commercial is but its taught me never smoke near the sea lmao
lol, that was pretty funny actually
XDDD best commercial EVER
“Shark dramatization”
because its real
crazy advert
this commercial is victorious!
I know fiends like that.
Seems like an unusually young target demographic for quitting smokes