I quit smoking again a month ago. I had started up again after quitting for six months!! I couldnt believe I started again! Has this happened to other smokers too? Can I expect to quit for good now? Oh, and I have gone cold turkey each time, none of that substituting substances crap.

Once. Success! And Cold turkey!
I watched my husband quit cold turkey after smoking 1-2 packs a day for 25 years cold turkey with no problem. It’s been 20 years.
Nine months later I was ready to quit. I truly believe you have to be READY to quit. I was, I followed my husband’s lead and quit cold turkey after 20 years of smoking 1-2 packs a day. I chewed gum the first two weeks, and then it really wasn’t that hard! It’s been 20 years, and we don’t miss them a bit.
I hope my story will help some of you out there! A little willpower is all you need. Bless you all and good luck! 🙂
i have tried 4 times. i am going to try again when i finish my pack.
My grandpa once said to me, "The determined ones always manage to quit smoking once and for all. It’s the ones that lie to themselves and say they are but they don’t are the ones that truly are weak-headed."
He smoked. He quit.
I’ll just say good luck to you! I hope you manage to quit smoking because I am allergic to smoke and if a person ever smokes in front of me, I’ll need quite a lot of tissues. Also, it is very bad for you. I know of people who stopped smoking then started again. Truly weak minded.
a few. i quit cold turkey each time, no problems. then some huge life event happened that forced me to be around smokers while i was at the bottom of a pit… bam…started again.
i quit 3 years ago cold turkey and this time around so far so good during bad situations as well.
It was really a struggle for me to stop smoking.I had been smoking over ten years .First I just started smoking less cigarettes.That did not work.I think I tried everything there is to do to stop smoking.One day I had to go to the emergency room and I saw a young woman getting treatment.She had a tube in her stomach.It was really awful site ,she was in so much pain.I asked her what is wrong with her and she told me she has cancer from smoking and they were draining water off her stomach.Let me tell you that did the trick for me.While returning home by train I threw my pack cigarettes out the window and that was over fifteen years ago.And I haven’t smoked or wanted another cigarette since.I know you will find away to stop smoking.Good Luck
Me too cold turkey, but i always chewed gum or drank water or juice in place of smoking. I’ve quit 5 or 6 times. This time for 1.1 years. I will never want a cigarette again. But if I do have a smoke it will probably lead to 2 and then 3 etc. So I don’t want one plus I will never have one again. I hate quitting. I love not smoling. But I never think about it and I never worry about it. I only say this because it sounds like that how you quit. Other people are different.Do it your way!!
People underestimate the power of the mind when it comes to stopping smoking. If you quit cold turkey but never really learn to deal with the mental addiction to cigarettes you’ll probably go back and forth stopping and starting over and over again.
It’s proven that a person that uses hypnosis (or basically retraining your mind to NOT think about cigarettes when something stressful happens will give you a 10x greater chance of quitting smoking and staying quit.
If you would like to find out more about strop smoking hypnosis programs you are welcome to visit this site:
Akualani is one of the best programs on the market and was actually founded by doctors and trained hypnotherapists. If you really want to stop smoking and stay stopped I’d encourage you to check it out.
Good luck to you!