Ok well my parents are smokers and in health we are learning about smoking. I have a little sister and I am wanting to help my parents quit smoking. So what are some activities that kids can use to help their parents quit smoking. So please help me and Thank you very much.
Author: aaa_janitor
Quit Smoking – Using Accupressure Point
quitsmoking-tips4u.com Quit smoking tips. How to stop smoking easily and quickly without weight gain or having the willpower of a superman and one tip on using acupressure. How to locate acupressure point to quit smoking.
What is the fastest and easiest way to quit smoking?
I am having surgery on January 9th, I literally have to completely quit tomorrow. I am on the patch, but I keep cheating and taking one or two puffs every few hours. It only totals to maybe 2 cigarettes a day, but I need to be completely smoke free to go under the anesthesia. I know its easy to say, just don’t do it, but I feel like I have no control, no willpower, no anything! I have been smoking 2 packs a day for 17 years. Do I have a chance?
How long does it take to quit smoking?
I know each person is different, but about how long does it take for the cravings to go away. I can restraint from a cigarette for 8 hours each day at work, and have gone as long as 12 hours when I was on a trip with students. However, the minute the opportunity arises I’m having a cigarette. I crave the act of smoking much more than the nicotine I recieve from it (nicotine gum makes me crave a cigarette). I’ve tried to quit unsuccessfully and find if I don’t have access to them, the nicotine cravings occur about every 4-6 hours while the craving for a cigarette occurs ever 15-30 minutes. How long would it take for these cravings to disappear?
If you don’t understand the difference between craving a cigarette and craving the nicotine I don’t really know how to explain it to a non-smoker. Sorry.
EFT Tapping Quit Smoking
www.MyGenie.tv -Access 500 EFT Tapping Videos! Donate www.mygenie.tv Join EFT emotional freedom technique performance coach David Childerley and learn how to feel better every day. 121 Skype coaching sessions with David… www.mygenie.tv Join David’s FREE video blog… www.myGenie.tv Money Mastery EFT Abundance Program 4-Set DVD… www.mygenie.tv Relationships EFT DVD & Download series… www.mygenie.tv Weight Loss EFT… www.mygenie.tv Quit Smoking EFT… www.mygenie.tv 7 Days to Freedom: Fast Track EFT… www.mygenie.tv Chakra Balancing EFT… www.mygenie.tv
How come you get depressed when you quit smoking?
Is it an actual side effect of nicotine leaving your body? I have quit smoking a million times and usually find myself lighting back up cause I can’t stand the misery.
But this time i’ve lasted over a month. I feel great. I’m not depressed anymore. Tho i’ve had heaps of bad shit happen to me while trying to quit, i’m pretty happy.
But my poor husband gave up smoking 4 days ago. And he’s miserable. Everything to him is negative. I hate to see him this way. I was that way too!
Is there anything to help him not be depressed. Or do you just have to get through those evil 2 weeks without smoking and it will go away. Is there a magic vitiman?
Quit Smoking Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking
Dianne Fisher from Allen Car’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking was a guest on Wake Up WA, talking about a logical, simple way to stop smoking forever. She brought special guest radio presenter “Millsy” to tell how the course had saved him after 30 years of smoking.
How long after you quit smoking should you feel the benefit?
I quit smoking two weeks ago (smoker for 17 yrs) and ever since I have woke up in the morning with a sore throat. I have also put on a lot of weight ( about a stone) despite eating healthy snacks (grapes, melon etc). I am starting to feel any health benefits I have gained from stopping have been undone by the extra weight I now carry. How long will it be before I actually feel any benefits from stopping ? Any ideas on how to boost my morale and feel good about quitting?
What is the easiest way to quit smoking cigarettes?
I have tried the patches and that didn’t work, is there anyway that I can quit smoking that will actually work, with out going cold turkey.
Quit Smoking
click here for more information…. 🙂 www.HAPPYLUNGS.INFO Save your lungs and clear them up as fast as possible.. I used this program to quit smoking myself……and to detox my lungs. MY LUNGS FEEL GREAT!!! It really works and it is cheap. 60 day money back guarantee… This is the real deal and the best quit smoking program online. NO CRAVINGS!! Do not wast hundreds on scams!!!! This program gives you everything you need to stop the cravings and get your lungs back to a healthy state. http You lungs will thank you and you will live longer and have more money in your pocket. 🙂