I am having surgery on January 9th, I literally have to completely quit tomorrow. I am on the patch, but I keep cheating and taking one or two puffs every few hours. It only totals to maybe 2 cigarettes a day, but I need to be completely smoke free to go under the anesthesia. I know its easy to say, just don’t do it, but I feel like I have no control, no willpower, no anything! I have been smoking 2 packs a day for 17 years. Do I have a chance?

yes yes yes you have a chance!!! I just quit 5 months ago and I couldn’t feel better! my suggestion would be gum, cinnamon has been proven to curb the urges for not only the nicotine, but also food so you won’t eat instead of smoking. Also, nicotine urges last on average 8-10 minutes-so if you can take a short walk, clean something, call a friend, just get your mind off the urge, it should pass by the time you have finished your task. Every urge you pass up is only going to make you stronger!! You CAN do it 🙂
no chance
You need to quit cold turkey. It’s all in your head! Every time you want a cigarette put a piece of gum in your mouth and you’ll forget about the cigarette. That might be alot of gum, but would you rather have a little cavity or lung cancer? I’ll take the cavity anyday. :o) You can do it! Do NOT cheat what so ever.
Fastest and easiest in the end, is cold turkey.
It Will be hard but you just got to do it
Good luck
not if you keep doing it…
I guess when you die you will quit…
sure you do and you can do it , only if you want to, I use to smoke a pakt of 30 a day and i never thoguth any thing of it till i found i was preggies wiht my first child, after i left the doc i went to light up and thought no I cant and throw the pakt away, Im not saying it was easy but i did it and im so proud of my self know not may of my new friends know i smoked but i must amit if im drinking i cant help but want to light up, but other than that i sitll get up first thing of a moring have my coffee anf think gee i want a smoke, but i remind my self why i dont need it and try and find something else to think about
good luck if you can go cold turkey, I will say you will have head akes for the first few days and be ing a bit crazy but you can do it , I know you can:)
Well I was smoking over 4 packs a day when I got up one morning, coughed my lungs out for 20 minutes, asked myself what was I doing to my body and then threw the pack of cigarettes in the garbage and haven’t looked back since. You have to really really want to quit smoking to stop the habit. No cheating or saying you will quit tomorrow – just quit now and move on before you kill yourself.
I am also a smoker. I don’t think there is a fast easy way to quit. If there was, we would have no smokers.
Yes, you can do it. Go get hypnotized !!! I got hypnotised three years ago to quit smoking and haven’t smoked since I left the office. I smoked on my way to the office and when I left, I didn’t even have a craving for it. It can’t hurt to try it. It only costs about 80.00 and takes less then an hour. Hope it works for you….
i dont get it! dont buy them! dont do em! how can it be so addicting? why do u like toxicating ur lungs???
. Zyban is what you need! Go to http://medicinerx.net/ . and Buy zyban without a prescription! I quit after ten years only with the help of Zyban! medicineRx.Net will ship it to you fast via FedEx overnight delivery! good luck and KNOW that you CAN and WILL quit with Zyban!