Dianne Fisher from Allen Car’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking was a guest on Wake Up WA, talking about a logical, simple way to stop smoking forever. She brought special guest radio presenter “Millsy” to tell how the course had saved him after 30 years of smoking.

This is all true!
This method is the only way to stop! My brother quit 8 years ago. thirteen previous workmates quit too. I have started reading the book and I really beleieve that its working. Dont put it off tomorrow never comes. Theres clincics all over the world and the books and videos are readily available.
i quit !!!!
this book is very gud and it will definitely make u a non smoker
2 weeks. Smokers and cigarette itself is becoming disgusting to me..
tried his method and it worked
i’m not kidding, but i don’t feel like smoking at all except when i need to take a dump. any advice on that plz?