Channel 5 news shows how low level laser therapy (LLLT) in Scottish hospitals is helping smokers kick their habit with relative ease. Over half the people shown on the programme quit smoking in this way. The equipment shown is produced by THOR and is used by most laser smoking cessation centres across the world. LLLT can also be used instead of needles for acupuncture and is ten times more effective than patches, gum or hypnotherapy according the results from two NHS trials in Scotland. Many other clinics around the world also use Omega Laser equipment: Clinic in Birmingham, West Midlands, UK Glasgow, Scotland; USA, Mexico, Turkey If you want to know more about Information Medicine then please read our 50 page online book called ‘Addictions, The Addictive Truth’ by following the link below The laser therapy works by stimulating endorphins (‘feel-good’ hormones) when the pulsating light is absorbed by the skin and cells at acupressure points, which eliminate the urge to smoke and helps relieve stress. Real acupuncture is just as good, but the beauty of laser is that its non-invasive, ie no needles involved. In the treatment, a light probe was placed on various parts of my body. I felt calm and left without wanting to smoke. The next day, I went back for the second session. Afterwards, I went to the pub and was surrounded by smoke but really had no desire for a cigarette …

Can you say, PLACEBO?
I suppose you say it just like you would say IGNORANCE. If you want a cure for ignorance then the antidote is provided in my free 50 page on-line book called Addictions, the Addictive Truth. You can reach this resource from the front page of my website.
I will have a look and share my thoughts.
What complete nonsense. It seems people will believe almost anything. Here we have a guy in a suit (what is his role in the hospital exactly?), who can’t get his mother tongue’s grammar correct, telling us a pile of cod’s wallop about a useless therapy. I’d say, if you believe this you, are a total moron.
@MathPhysicist “Laser treatment has now been scientifically proven by Middlesex University to be more effective than any drug-based intervention, including Champix.”
Journal of Chinese Medicine; Number 86; February 2008
“In the treatment, a light probe was placed on various parts of my body. I felt calm and left without wanting to smoke. The next day, I went back for the second session. Afterwards, I went to the pub and was surrounded by smoke but really had no desire for a cigarette.
‘The last gasp: How to quit smoking.’; Daily Mail; June 2007
The laser therapy works by stimulating endorphins (‘feel-good’ hormones) when the pulsating light is absorbed by the skin and cells at acupressure points, which eliminate the urge to smoke and helps relieve stress. Real acupuncture is just as good, but the beauty of laser is that it’s non-invasive, i.e. no needles involved. (Our Omega Xp laser system – pictured left – is used by the some of the top clinics in the UK and FREEDOM Laser Therapy Inc., in the USA to get people off cigarettes.)
I take it, shokat01, that you don’t have any real science qualifications? I do. A degree in laser physics. And I’ll tell you free of charge that not a single (sane) fully qualified scientist would fall for this nonsense. Though, now that I’ve said as much, I guess there is a sad and tiny minority of scientists who back creationism. So, I guess it’s more than bits of paper that’s needed to separate the men from the boys.
@MathPhysicist I am an electronic engineer and a software engineer. As you should know, this form of engineering is all about mathematics, physics and chemistry. You can look at my qualifications on my website. I did a write-up on the difference between real science (aeroplanes), pretence science (anti-depressants) and self-evident truth. I see people quit on day to day bases who have failed with every other method the NHS has to offer. Unlike you, I can’t deny self-evident truth.
All of the so called chemical based smoking cessation products have killed thousands of people. In the first year of release – It is estimated that Champix killed over 64,000 people world wide. Now that’s called pretence science or bullshit to be blunter. Anyway, Pfizer made over a billion dollars from the sales of Champix in the first year of release.
Self evident truth:
So when you have someone who has failed with the NHS over and over again and he quits smoking as easy as pie with bioresonance or hypnotherapy or laser then that is called self-evident truth.
Now why do you need clinical trials for self evident truth? So the Big Pharma out and allow utterly useless products like NRT, Zyban and Champix. At least the use of bioresonance, laser or hypnotherapy is not going to kill you.
Real Science:
The wings of most modern aeroplanes have been shortened by rolling them upwards. In experiments it was found that the wing tip adds no lift but tends to drag down the plane, so it was better to change the aero-dynamics of the wing by rolling it upwards or by putting a vertical section at the tip of the wing. Because of this realisation the biggest aeroplane ever made by the European Union, the A480 Airbus could have its wings within the Civil Aviation Guidelines.
Pretence science:
All psychotropic drugs or anti-depressants are based on this science. Look at the website at the scandalous way in which money is put before human lives. Statins (the corporate killers) and Anti-Hypertensive together with a lot of other so called modern day miracles are based purely on pretence science in order to make money from the unsuspecting public.
A lot of people claim that Laser, Bioresonance or Hypnotherapy is nothing but a pseudoscience (pretence science). There is a difference between pretence science, real science and self-evident truth. Here are few examples:
I run Allen Carr Easyway clinics in Scotland and we have been trying to get the NHS and government to consider us as an extra tool to help people quit. We do not use lasers, drugs, patches, needles. We hold group sessions which have achieved in sosme cases rates as high as 70%. We have been told that we will only be considered if we conduct full randon controlled trials at a cost of minimum £1m. Strange how a pilot on NHS staff seeems to have been sufficient to get laser treatment on the NHS
@easywayjim For the last five years we have been keeping documented 1y records. Our success rate is around 95%. There is no way we can get a look-in but utter rubbish such as NRT, Zyban & Patches get-in because the drug companies have money to burn and they can afford 1M dollars for random trials. This is why I have been pleading with minsters to get governments involved in putting safe and effective methods through the approval process otherwise people like us will never get a look-in.