Quit Smoking Laser. Stop Smoking Laser. Laser Therapy. England, Scotland, USA, Mexico & Turkey.

Channel 5 news shows how low level laser therapy (LLLT) in Scottish hospitals is helping smokers kick their habit with relative ease. Over half the people shown on the programme quit smoking in this way. The equipment shown is produced by THOR and is used by most laser smoking cessation centres across the world. LLLT can also be used instead of needles for acupuncture and is ten times more effective than patches, gum or hypnotherapy according the results from two NHS trials in Scotland. www.thorlaser.com Many other clinics around the world also use Omega Laser equipment: www.omegalaser.co.uk Clinic in Birmingham, West Midlands, UK www.lifeprinciples.com Glasgow, Scotland; USA, Mexico, Turkey www.annepenman.com If you want to know more about Information Medicine then please read our 50 page online book called ‘Addictions, The Addictive Truth’ by following the link below www.lifeprinciples.com The laser therapy works by stimulating endorphins (‘feel-good’ hormones) when the pulsating light is absorbed by the skin and cells at acupressure points, which eliminate the urge to smoke and helps relieve stress. Real acupuncture is just as good, but the beauty of laser is that its non-invasive, ie no needles involved. In the treatment, a light probe was placed on various parts of my body. I felt calm and left without wanting to smoke. The next day, I went back for the second session. Afterwards, I went to the pub and was surrounded by smoke but really had no desire for a cigarette