My father just had his 4th or 5th heart attack yesterday. He is facing surgery tomorrow. After the last surgery, the doctor told him he had to quit smoking or else he would see him for surgery within the next 2 years. He refuses to quit. I dont know how to get him to quit. I want him around to see my 3 yr old gradute High School, get married, and have her own kids. How can i convince him to quit smoking? I love him and dont want to lose him to something that could of been prevented. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

what a shame!!i’m so very sorry for you, but you can’t make him quit, he has to want to quit , just tell him how you feel an say no more dear because the more you nag him, the more he will smoke, i know because i’ve been there myself, i had to want to quit myself and all the doctors an my kids couldn’t make me quit, in fact every time they would nag me, i would light up, sorry, i know you don’t want to hear this but there really is no good answer for you. good luck to you n God Bless you all.
There is nothing you can do. It is his choice to kill himself and he alone makes that decision.
The things you want for him, may not be the things he wants for himself.
I am sorry.
make him pay you $20 per cigarette he smokes.
it is indeed a very moving plea. yours. to ask favor from readers and answerer is the last and the least you can do –in desperate situations. yours is heart breaking move, here is a couple of suggestions — you have to show your dad — the best pictures of his life-time and the best pictures with the family around — all smiles. do not show him — sad moments. it is only by showing him the best of the past and present that his mind –might move to the right direction. also when you do see –good articles on how to quit smoking etc. without telling him…put those articles and magazines on the coffee table or his desk…hope it helps.