I’ve been smoking for over 10 years, and i’ve quit many times. I have gone as long as a year without a ciggarette in one of my attempts. The combination of stress, and being in the same vicinity (around others) who smoke, is what has made me in the past take back up the filthy habit.
Any suggestions for permanently quitting?

If you quit for a whole year you know how to do that part. Not starting again seems to be your problem. Decide to quit next Monday (or whatever day you decide) In the lead up – tell yourself 3 days until I am a non-smoker, 2 days until I am a non-smoker etc and when you wake up on the morning remind yourself straight away. I used patches for a few days but found them irritating. (Just another way of making money out of smokers!) Clean your teeth quite often, but also make a jug of iced. When you feel the need for a cigarette slowly drink a glass of iced tea. The caffeine in it will take the edge of the thought of smoking. (No milk in the tea of course.) After a few days you will find you don’t even think of your iced tea so often. Keep telling yourself you are a non-smoker. When you feel stress drink iced tea. If you don’t drink tea you have to have coke I suppose, but that is not very good for you, although it will give your caffeine hit! Never forget you are a non-smoker – especially when you are out and about with smokers.
I am smoke free now for 4 months! I had smoked for over 20 years, and I started with the patch but the glue on it hurt my skin. The doctor gave me a ‘script for Champix (In U.S.A. it’s called Chantix). It wasn’t covered by my provider,and it was expensive; about $140 for a month but it is soooooo worth it. I feel great, and I don’t think I will ever be a smoker again.
Good luck! If you really want to quit, that’s when you will. 😀
A friend of mine asked his doctor for some help and he prescribed him Chantix which is a medication that actually blocks the nicotine from the brain, thus taking away the desire for him to smoke. He can even sit around other smokers and it doesn’t bother him. It {the meds} comes with a plan where you start the meds but continue to smoke for the 1st week but on the 8th day you try to quit altogether. Like I said, it worked like a charm for my friend and he had smoked for 30 years. Good Luck!! I really hope you find what works for you.
I used hypnotherapy to quit smoking. Its not for everybody but it worked for me. All you have to do is listen to some recordings. You still get cravings every now and again but their not as strong. Theirs an article here about it http://stopsmoking-danny.blogspot.com/ I hope it works for you.