Ok here is the skivy. I smoked from about 17-20 not all the time but i would have maybe 2 a day, so i guess you can say i was a casual smoker. Well then when i met my x-husband he made me quite, so i did cold turkey. No pills, gum nothing. Then about a year ago i started back up around the time i was going threw my divorce. So now i’m 26 and its been about a year since i started again. Again i’m still a casual smoker, but i prob. go threw about 10 of them when i’m out drinking. Not smoking during the day or when i’m sitting at home is not an issue, thou when i do have a stressful day i’ll light one up, but its just this bad habit when i’m out having a few that i want to stop all together! I know some of you may say stop drinking, but its not like i go out every night, its just maybe one day a week, and then maybe once on the weekend. So i’m wondering if anyone has any ideas as to what i can do with out taken over the counter meds or contacing my doc to quite! Thanks

Put a single bead on an elastic thread and tie it to your wrist. when you get a craving snap it on the wrist bone. Worked for me! I’m not kidding! The snap is enough ouch to get you to think about something else (the minor pain in your wristbone) enough time that the craving will pass.
well theres this really good gum nicotine gume buts its kinda expensive it helped my granpa sorry i forgot no gum
Ya same with me. I dont smoke cigs that much unless I’m drinking or just under stress/after a stressful situation. And that I think is even harder than just quitting if you do a lot a day. Because when I tried quitting and something stressful happened it was impossible to just not have one.
I think you just need to find something else to relieve your stress. Good luck!