I quit smoking, how long will it take me to start feeling better?

I quit smoking 6 days ago and I feel kind of tired and depressed. I only smoked about half a pack a day for about 5 months, if that makes any difference. How long will this last?

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3 thoughts on “I quit smoking, how long will it take me to start feeling better?”

  1. Like, a month. But I always still get cravings so I quit quitting. I just smoke once in a while now and I feel great, haha.

  2. a month. duude don’t smoke ciggies. there so fcking dangerous. smoke weed if ya wanna smoke something, their perfectly natraul and don’t cause any harm except the smoke in your lungs.. which goes for anything you smoke. (ciggies have nicatine, dangerous sht there).
    here’s somethingi you can remeber every day as you work on stop smoking: "atleast i have 10 extra years to live). (cigs cut down 10 years of you lifespan)

    good luck!!

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