I’m 16 years old and I want to quit smoking without my mum finding out. I looked into getting a quit kit from the NHS but they seem to come in envelopes with QUIT KIT written on them so that would be really obvious. I tried to quit before just on will power but it’s really difficult so I was hoping to get the nicotine patches you can get, but I can’t go out to get any because I’m grounded for an unrelated reason.
Help me please

First of all, tell her. It’s hardly going to be the end of the world. And honestly, you probably won’t succeed at quitting your first time.
But if you won’t do that, go to your doctor, and ask him if you can get treatment in confidence. This is important because very often the patches aren’t the right medicine for teenagers who are addicted but don’t smoke that much. They can actually make you more addicted, rather than less. So you should have a doctor’s advice before you proceed, or at the very least, pay close attention to the instructions about what patches to use if you smoke so and so many cigarettes.
cold turkey
Keep yourself busy. Snack on candy, because if your eating, you cant be smoking!
I would think your Mom would be happy knowing that you will eventually stop smoking. For now, try to use that addiction in an effort to eat something else. Eat a cookie or something whenever you feel the need to smoke. When the time comes that the grounding is lifted, proceed with your idea.
Lots of people just quit cold turkey. I quit using Champix but I smoked a TON of years. If you quit now it will be much better. You have to just get through the first week, but you have to WANT to quit. Try looking on a site called whyquit (dot com). It is pretty disgusting what smoking does to you. Also check out all the stories on young people who have died from lung cancer.
Why not buy nicotine patches or nicorette? You can hid the patch under your clothes and put the gum in a separate container.