My wife has smoke for 8 years and she is wanting to quit but, after a day or so she is back to smoking..I smoke myself and I am hardly home I am a truck driver..I told her that I will not smoke around her if she really want to quit but, u know she is still picking up a cigarette..So, if u can answer the question please I will take any advice u can give me for my wife..What is the best way to quit smoking?

The shortest and least stressful way is with some powerful help.
This will give your wife a fast and effective way to put in a new non-smoking program or habit into her mind. The physical addiction to nicotine is gone in 2-3 days, so the rest is habitual, and psychological. There’s lots of tips, info and free help at plus a great guaranteed course your wife can do to make the whole process easier. Have a read of the page: Help someone quit, also.
do not put a cig in your mouth
I still puff, but my b/f quit a few months ago. He used patches and went to a counseling session once a week. Basically it boiled down to willpower and getting over the "habit" once the nicotine is out of the system. I have to say that he was a real **** to deal with for about 6 weeks.