I have set a date to quit smoking here in a couple of weeks..I’m not sure how I plan on going about it yet. I tried cold turkey and it was NO GOOD…i want to try another method this time such as medicine, the patch, acupuncture, shock therapy, etc. I was just wondering which ones were proven most effective and any personal experiences would help a lot as well.

Put all your money savings into your bank account, not thinking about smoking and keeping yourself busy
My uncle smoked 3 packs a day and after he went to a hypnosis person twice, he never smoked again.
My dad just recently started using chantix a prescription med and seems to be doing the trick. Maybe take a tour of your local hospitals oncology unit this will definetly motivate you! Good luck
cold turkey is how i quit and everyone i know that smoked has quit but the electronic cigarette could be worth a try.
try nicotine patches or nicotine gum to ease off it
but youll need to replace the habit(its the way our brains work its way harder to get rid of a habit than it is to replace one) i suggest start chewing gum heavily(not nicotine gum just regular chewing gum or whatever) but anything you can do at about the frequency you smoke would work
After 30 years I quit cold turkey. You have started well by picking a date. Get rid of all ash trays, lighters, matches, etc. instead of smoking try gum, life savers anything to simulate the habit. But most of all, KEEP A PICTURE HANDY OF THE PERSON YOU LOVE THE MOST. Look at it when you are really jonesing for a smoke, and think of how many extra years you will be able to spend with this person, and how much money you will save. Good luck, this was probably the hardest thing I ever had to do.
Quit March 15/ 2009 and still trucking.
To be honest, the easiest and most successful way to quit smoking is to "pray through". if you believe in prayer, it helps a Lot! my dad used to smoke and be agnostic, now he’s a christian in church, and hasn’t smoked in almost 11 years. I highly recommend this for you. You should pray at least 10 minutes a day or more if you have time. i wish you luck and you are in My prayers that you can quit smoking, will-fully.
1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness."
I have been smoking since I was 14 and I am now 54….I have tried the patch, nicorette gum, nicotine lounges, and the pill Chantix….the first 3 helped BUT they were only replacements…I chewed the nicorette gum for 3 years!!!!!!!!!!! Couldn’t figure out how to stop…it was a replacement ONLY….the best thing I have EVER tried is the Chantix pill….follow the directions and the results are unbelievable…Good Luck to you….=>
i neat trick i used was to completely prevent myself from buying cigarettes at all. if i want one i have to get it from someone and no more than one a day. sure this may not sound like it would be successful for a long term smoker but play around with it. and eventually get to what i mentioned then to completely quitting. as a 5 year smoker, it has worked well for me and could for longer term smokers as well.
just make sure you have the will power and don’t go buy cigarettes.
another good plan is one by one start eliminating activities and places you include smoking in. driving is a big one, drinking, being out at a club, with your friends, with your morning coffee, etc..
write down a list of every thing a place you do/go that you would usually smoke. then start knocking them off one by one. in some cases just stop doing an activity for awhile (staying away from friends that smoke) and find a new activity to do for awhile or permanently.
making a plan is important, and gaining information about the improvements on your body that come as your in the process of quitting give you an uplifting feeling.
If you ever cannot handle the urge to smoke just remember, the craving will only last a couple minutes. that’s all it lasts. some are worse than others but like i said before, being aware of this stuff is very helpful.
You have the first key to quitting which is that you have the desire…So I know you will succeed. As with any habit smoking is something that you got used to with a lot of practice. On your chosen date to quit – resolve to never go back that is all you have to do NEVER GO BACK, your mind will play a few tricks – you’ll even dream about smoking maybe, as its in your bodies memory – all this passes as your body gets into the habit of no longer smoking. 5 years later I’m still a happy non smoker….There’s lots of help and free advise out there and I’ve suggested a free link with useful articles on how to quit naturally that may help.
I quit smoking after getting some tips from a friend. I recently wrote an article at ehow on how to quit. You can check out the article here…
It’s about breaking the habit before you quit, which makes it a lot easier on you when you do decide to quit. The tips that I got from my friend about breaking the habit is the only reason why I was so successful. I know that many people are trying to quit right now and I wanted to do my best to help. I hope that my article helps you to quit. Best of luck.
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