Okay, I read that in order to break an addiction you gotto trick the brain and replace the habbit with something else. well I want to do this so smoking plants and leaves and things like that just to try and break the addiction work? then once my body has stopped craving nicotine cause there is none in the leaves and plants. Then I stop for good???
I know this sounds stupid but I want to do it to quit…

What about weed? Its not physically addicting like tobacco and feels much better.
You’ll get cancer quicker! Stop smoking everything!
Breath some fresh air! Eat some good food….Get physical.
I know the feeling man, smoke cannibus and it will kick the nicotine habit. It helped me.
I dont think it will help.
Last month I tried to quit and picked up a pack of herbal cigarettes (no tobacco, nicotine, or chemicals) to help me out. I lasted 4 days, I smoked 2 packs of these these herbal cigs and finally my body was so hungry for nicotine I broke down. I walked to the store and bought a pack of real cigs and that 1st cig was probably the best I ever smoked.
I think the act of smoking these herbals reminded me too much of my normal cigarettes.
It takes a few days to get over the physical addiction, but the mental addiction can last a lifetime. What kinds of plants and leaves do you plan on smoking? You might as well try those candy cigarettes.
if you need a full program to help you quit, try this: