My girlfriend has been smoking for a few years before I came into her life and now since we are at 6 months I told her that I want her to start quitting because I hate smoking.
She has cut down to almost 3 a week when shes around me, but when she is with her friends (current smokers) or is drinking then she chain smokes non-stop.
It’s obvious that her trying to quit isn’t really cutting it and I want to find a way for her to be able to quit throughout the whole day everyday.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Keep in mind any attempt of me to take action by force results in her getting quite pissed at me, which stresses her more and makes her smoke more, so I’m trying to find an easier way for both of us
Thank you
Umm we do get drunk more often then usual and the 3 cigs a week is ONLY around me, but she smokes at least half a pack if she’s with her friends.
It’s not a case that she’s has dangerous habits now, but I want to prevent them later if this goes any further. Lord knows if I even thought of asking her to be my wife or somethin’, then smoking would be something of the past

My mom smoked all my life, and I have a few health problems due to the second hand smoke. I will not bring my children up that way. Even if the person smokes outside they will still smell like it and be a bad influence. Not to mention die early and leave me with two children and a morgage. That is not the life for me!
When I first met my husband he was a smoker. I would not date him. He chased after me for months and when he finally asked me why I would not go out with him I told him what i just told you. He understood and began the long process towards quitting. It took him 4 months and I wouldn’t date him until he was completely done, but now we are happily married and it was all worth it. Set your standards and don’t ever compromise. If she won’t quite for you and your future children, find someone who will….
Give her an ultimatum, either she quits or it’s over. Tell her that it’s really bad for not only her health but yours. Second hand smoke is worse for you than reg smoking.
maybe if you show her pictures of old hags who are smoking then she will be afraid she will look like that if she keeps smoking. But some people will continue to smoke just becuse its cool,,,er I mean becuase they are just so addicted to it. Another idea would be to offer her you will change something you do that she chooses ,if she stops smoking.
She should stay away from alcohol if shes tring to quit. maybe buy her some kind of quit smoking product like nicorette gum or something. But if shes not ready to quit , nothing will work.
There is no way one person can force another person to quit smoking. She has to want to do it for herself. Suggest nicotine replacement therapy or a visit to her physician to discuss methods to quit. If she means a lot to you, then go with her and support her. Nicotine is a highly addictive drug! If she is truly addicted, it will not be easy to quit and quitting will not be accomplished quickly. It takes time to quit successfully. If she has been smoking for a few years, it make take her several tries and several months to quit. If you hate her smoking that much you either need to leave or support her in her effort to quit, if that is what she chooses to do. Nagging and ultimatums will get you no where. And if you attempt to take action by force, she has every right to get pissed of at you! No one person has the right to force another person to do something against their will. Being supportive will get you a lot further
Ask her to contact the Quitline.
Okay, I don’t want to take her side, but here’s the deal. You asked her out. You knew that she smoked before this. You can’t just jump into her life and try to change her like that. You started dating a smoker. Why now do you want to change her?
However, she did cut down, which, even though it’s not quitting, is a huge accomplishment in itself, and you need to give her at least that much credit. A person must truly want to quit smoking to actually do it. If her heart isn’t set on quitting, then it will never happen. ButS she seems to really care about you if she is willing to change her lifestyle just because of you. But really…3 cigarettes a week is not going to harm her, or you. As for the chain-smoking, since it’s only once in a while, it’s not that big of a deal. Don’t end the relationship just because she smokes a "few" cigarettes. That never hurt anyone.