Hello, my dad is trying (and determined) to quit smoking. Some choices that he is willing to take is Nicoteen Gum, Nicoteen Patch, Chantix, or Cold turkey (when you quit smoking without any help). Please pick the option and list positives and negatives about it.
Oh yeah, and just to let you know, my dad only smokes about 1-2 cigarrettes a day. So he’s not a "heavy" smoker. He’s just still addicted to it.

Quiting smoking….
been there done that.
1. Hypnosis……didn’t work for me
2. Nicorette…..didn’t work for me
3. Cold turkey…..almost killed me
4. Cyntax……never tried
5. what is the succesful method?
—He needs support from both the family and the work environment…..
and most importantly he has to have His WILL really-really strong.
I was a smoker and although I gave up smoking for a while now, I am still worried that at anytime, i could be a smoker again.
Good luck to you in helping your Dad!
The patch, with the occasional gum.
the nicoteen gum and patch both work well! Good luck!! 😉
try getting him a consolur maybe he just need a little extra push….. try the patch too
Hypnosis therapy. Apparently it has like an over 95% success rate. But as with all treatments, you have to separate the wheat from the chaff.
don’t buy cigarettes. 🙂
Chantix is your best bet.
It has proven to work on many people. There are some minor side effects like nausea, vomitting, but just take it with food.
The down side is that its expensive..about ~$100 per month. But buying cigarettes is about the same amount of money or less. Gotta weight the options.
I took Chantix for a month. It is a prescription drug, but even with my insurance it cost $85 bucks, so I could only afford one month. It not only blocks the cravings, it blocks the pleasure receptors in your brain so that if he relapses, he won’t even enjoy it. Because I could only afford a month’s worth, I quit for about 6 weeks, and it really was not a bad 6 weeks. Which is huge, I’ve been smoking for 13 years, at a pack a day for 10 years. I wasn’t crabby, didn’t eat alot. So in a few weeks after holiday bills are paid off, I’m getting three months worth of Chantix and I have absolute faith it will work.
Things that I tried that did not work: gum, patch, cold turkery, hypnosis, auricular therapy.
I would go with the Chantix if I were him.
Chantix is a pill that his doctor can prescribe for him. While taking the pill he will continue to smoke, but that’s part of the process. Chantix slowly blocks the receptors in the brain that find nicotine appealing. As more and more of the treatment builds up in his system he’ll begin to find smoking less and less appealing until finally he smokes a cigarette, thinks it’s the most disgusting thing ever, and never wants to touch another one. I believe he’ll need to continue taking Chantix for a bit after he’s stopped wanting a cigarette just to avoid cravings, but I’m not positive.
The other options are alright. The Nicotine Gum and Patch are going to start to cost him, and for many people they aren’t strong enough to help fight the cravings.
Cold Turkey is going to be TOUGH. He’ll get cravings a lot, and will most likely become quite irritable and cranky due to the withdrawal. It takes a lot of will power to quit without any help.
Hypnosis works for some. My parents tried it and it didn’t help them at all, but that’s an option as well if he’s willing to try it.
Hope this helps! Good Luck to your dad! 🙂
I say Chantix, my dad’s gonna try that too and he looked it up and what it does is it makes cigarettes unpleasent to smoke.
i bought the patch and they help but i still have not quit all the way……i got a prescription for the chantix if a person had 130 dollars to pay for the prescription……and when i try to do without i seem to have a real hard time and search the house which is very clean for a cigarette……..i have quit before but i think stress is a factor in not being able to quit at this time…..li am doing better just quit taking them with me when i am busy or with anyone…..the less you smoke the better…..i think that is some progress……….
Your dad needs to buy Allen Carr’s "Easy Way to Stop Smoking". It’s a book that reprograms the way you think of smoking. My mom and I both quit using this method. It’s a great book. If your dad is skeptical (I was) tell him he is supposed to smoke as normal while reading this book and he has nothing to lose. It will make a great late Christmas gift!
Cold Turkey is the way to do it and its FREE!! A lot of people are talking about the patch and gum but that does not help everyone so why spend 85 bucks knowing it MIGHT help. My dad smoked for 30 years and quit this way, well he did it little by little. First he stopped smoking in the house so he would have to go outside for a cig even in the heat if he wanted one bad enough. Then he just decided to stop all together, every time he wanted a cig he replaced it with a toothpick until he no longer had the nerve to smoke. You have to believe in yourself and really WANT TO STOP. Good luck!!