Why it’s so hard to stop

For a number of individuals it is extremely hard to quit smoking cigarettes. In this video clip experts from the Mayo Clinic explain the reason why. The movie demonstrates the method in which cigarettes deliver nicotine to the human brain triggering changes in the brain that lead to dependancy. Whenever a particular person stops smoking cigarettes they frequently experience challenging withdrawal symptoms and strong desires to light up. The cravings and withdrawal symptoms help make stopping very difficult for many people who smoke.

Support After Smoking Cessation

Quit Smoking Support – Is This Really Helpful?

It is not easy to stop smoking.  One thing that may help in your effrt to give up smoking for good is to join a support group who can help you stay off those cigarettes forever.

So many millions of people are not able to quit smoking successfully. Now with this overlooked resource – quit smoking support groups can help you to achieve your dream of being smoke free.

One of the biggest steps forward in helping you kick the smoking habit is to get together with like minded people that are engaged in the same thing that you are trying – to quit smoking. This form of quit smoking support has been around for many years. First of all you should really strive to join a group that has a strong purpose.

I’ve seen some of these group sessions which turn into nothing more that a wasted hour. Your time and your energy is precious so do not spend in time in a group that has no focus. Some of the complainers would come in and derail a good support group session in minutes. The leader of the group would fail to get the group back together again and it would be off to the races.

Napoleon Hill the success and motivational writer has made this idea popular. He used the term "mastermind group". But its purpose and function were just the same. You’d select several folks from different industries that agreed to meet together once a week for the purpose of advancing the causes of one of the mastermind group members. Hill believed that no one person has all of the right answers. But when you tapped into the hearts and minds of others you would normally be rewarded with success.

This is nothing more than a quit smoking support group type meeting. But albeit the purpose is different and that is okay. You see 4 out of 5 former smokers revealed their steps to success. And above al they recognized the fact that the quit smoking group gave them a sense of strength, unity and support above all. When they felt the cravings really kick in they were able to get support from their support group.

You see the concept of making discoveries or getting added support often comes when you least expect it. Take for example the discovery of the first quit smoking pill Zyban. It was never intended to be used for smoking cessation. It was a anti depression pill that worked nicely. But researchers and doctors began to notice a very positive trend. The emerging trend showed that a number of people that were taking Zyban (Wellbutrin) depression were also able to stop smoking with ease. This was amazing because up until that point no one at Glaxo Welcome Inc had ever thought of creating a pill to help you quit smoking.

Everyone knew that quitting smoking was very hard but no one ever would have though that this single pill would launch an entire industry for the quit smoking pills, patches and nasal sprays. Just goes to show what can be done when you have the right motive and the quit smoking support to back up your aims.

You should take the time to map out or find a good support group to and get started on your road to being a former smoker today.

By Todd Lloyd

Quit Smoking Support Answers for You
Quit smoking support resources

Quitting Smoking Support

You can access online or phone counselors or attend a support group; it doesn’t matter, as long as you seek help. The final step is to put some lifestyle changes in place and alter some routines to avoid smoking triggers.

Depression and Quitting Smoking

With modern technology, this can either be in real life or on the Internet! You can develop an entire social support group online. What’s important is to have people you can talk to when your lonely and thinking about smoking,

Smoking Cessation Group

"I’ve been wanting to quit. I’ve quit two times before, but I always have gone back. I think through prayer and a friend and the support group, has helped me. I can’t say it’s going to help everybody, but it has helped me,” Sue said.

Quit Smoking Electronic Cigarette

A very interesting concept in your quest to stop smoking – electronic cigarettes.  This new twist can be beneficial to many people. 

Want to Quit Smoking? Try an Electronic Cigarette

Quitting smoking is a very difficult task. While nicotine patches and gum are viable methods, smokers that attempt to quit using both have a very high rate of relapse. Electronic cigarettes have advantages over both. They simulate the act of smoking, deliver an immediate hit of nicotine, and are inexpensive. If you want to quit smoking, and have been unsuccessful in the past, Electronic Cigarettes could be the answer you are looking for.

There are a lot of things in this world that cause cancer, but no cause has been so extensively researched as smoking cigarettes. According the the American Cancer Society (ACS), about 87% of lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among both men and women, and is one of the most difficult cancers to treat. Smoking is also a major cause of heart disease, bronchitis, emphysema, and stroke. There are myriad products and programs available to smokers trying to kick the habit, including nicotine patches, nicotine gum, and other alternatives. However, none of these have a high rate of success. The latest product, available on Amazon.com for under $100, is an Electronic Cigarette (also known as an E-Cig), which simulates the act of smoking and delivers an adjustable amount of nicotine. These imitation cigarettes may be the answer that millions of smokers worldwide are looking for.

  e electronic cigarette quit smoke smoking starter kit

Smokers know that their habit is not good for them. They also know that it causes harm to people around them. They have seen commercials that list the harmful health effects and show lucid pictures of the lungs of smokers, and they can still remember the clip of Debbie smoking a cigarette through a hole in her neck. Most of them have also realized after graduating from high school that smoking cigarettes does not make them look cool. However, they continue to smoke. The ACS states that, "Although 70% of smokers want to quit and 35% attempt to quit each year, less than 5% succeed." They attribute this high rate of relapse to the strong nicotine addiction that smokers face.

Smoking an E-Cig has significant advantages over nicotine patches or nicotine gum.

First, the hit of nicotine is immediate. Rather than the delayed effect of patches and gum, the smoker’s nicotine urge is satisfied instantaneously. This reduces the chances of a relapse, as smokers do not have to wait for the effect to kick in.

Second, E-Cigs give users the satisfaction of actually smoking a cigarette. They have the taste and feel of a real cigarette, without most of the harmful effects associated with smoking one. Most smokers, in addition to a nicotine addiction, have a strong habit formed around the act of smoking something. Now they can smoke an E-Cig in the same way that they smoke a cigarette, only they are inhaling vaporized nicotine instead of tobacco. When the smoker inhales, a battery-powered atomizer turns a small amount of liquid nicotine into vapor, which enters the smokers lungs. An LED light glows at the end of the E-Cig, contributing to the authentic appearance of the act, and signifying that the device is in use. E-Cigs are available in numerous flavors, including standard tobacco, menthol, and vanilla, as well as brand name imitations like Camel and Marlboro.

Once users have switched to only smoking E-Cigs, they can gradually reduce the nicotine content in each cartridge. The highest level of nicotine content, 16mg, delivers the same amount of nicotine per hit as a cigarette. From there, users can reduce the nicotine concentration to 11mg, 6mg, and eventually purchase cartridges that are nicotine free, while still satisfying their urge to smoke. The vapor exhaled from E-Cigs is odorless, and does not contain the carcinogens present in the second-hand smoke of normal cigarettes. In addition, if you purchase from a China wholesaler, Electronic Cigarettes will cost you less than smoking an equivalent amount of cigarettes.

For those who have so far been unable to quit smoking, E-Cigs could literally be a lifesaver.

By Danny Stokley

new ways to stop smoking

E Cigarette

The FDA recently went public with misleading information about the safety of electronic cigarettes and the marketing of the devices, not only using its clout but recruiting other prominent organizations to demonize a product that has great public health benefit potential.

Electronic Cigarettes

The SmokeStik electronic cigarette is a revolutionary device that resembles a traditional cigarette and entirely recreates the smoking experience, including “smoke,” without any damaging side effects.


Absent the thousands of toxins, chemicals, additives, and carcinogens found in traditional smoking cigarettes, the electronic cigarette is an innovative product that millions of people across the world have tried and fallen in love with.

Power Tips to Quit Smoking – The Ultimate Punch!

Power Tips to Quit Smoking – The Ultimate Punch!

Useful tips to help you gain leverage and quit smoking

When trying to break a habit that has been with you for so many years, it feels like trying to break a chain that’s made impossible to break! Trying to quit smoking is an approach that requires true, honest discipline. Combining methods to create an ultimate punch can help you stay focused and quit smoking. Here are some tips to consider in helping your goal to quit smoking.

First of all if you haven’t already set a date aside for yourself to quit smoking, if you’re already on the path then continue on. Set a date that you are most comfortable with. Don’t make it an unreasonable one! This is something that will toughen your mind mentally to be prepared to quit. It won’t be a surprise either, so set a date.

Ask your family and friends for their support. Be serious and sincere about this. Ask them to be non-judgmental about your decision. Let them know that they’re support is needed to help push you along.

I’m a heavy believer in visualizing for success and it works. Visualize yourself being a nonsmoker in the next few months and in a few years from now. Visualize yourself telling someone yes you quit and feel proud of yourself. Try to see yourself feeling healthier and while you quit visualize everything negative exiting your body. If posting a picture of something or someone helps, do it.

Try keeping something in hand like a piece of candy to keep your mouth busy and to take that place of a cigarette.

If you drink plenty of water already, Perfect! Continue to do so. If not then start drinking a lot of water. You need to flush your system out of toxins and there is no better way then to drink plenty of water.

If you find yourself building up stress find an alternative method of releasing this stress. I found that controlled breathing and weight lifting was a way for me to release this stress. If there is something/anything that motivates you, read it, look at it, do it.

Your plan here is to take everything you know, all the tips to quit smoking/knowledge and combine them together with everything for the ultimate push to help you break free of this smoking habit. I can never stress enough how much motivation and the power of your mind is in quitting. Combine the two together and power over your smoking habit today.

How to Quit Smoking
Don’t become a negative statistic. Find out how an actual true system helps 96% of people to quit smoking

By Sun B
Published: 7/15/2008

stop smoking nicotene cigarettes

 To Quit Smoking

What do you know about cessation to quit smoking? Luckily, these smoking cessation tips can serve bring the edge away! Depending on how you’ve rid smoking, that first week can be the only hard part of quitting that you will ought to do.

How To Cope With Quitting Smoking

Quit Smoking To Live A Smoke-free Life!

You all know the harmful effects of smoking but still you find difficulty in quitting this addiction. However you can employ a good method to say bye-bye to your smoking habit. Several methods are available in the market like cold turkey, patches, gums, therapy, hypnosis and many more. But consult your doctor to know the best method suiting your condition and body type. You can also employ some changes which can help you in quitting smoking. These are:

Note down all the reasons which insist you to quit smoking- It is really important to pen down all the possible reasons behind your decision of quitting smoking. Is it due to pressure from your spouse or it is your sole decision? You should also pen down all the points which encourage you to smoke. This will help you in comparing the reasons which want you to quit and reasons which want you to continue with smoking. One should be honest in writing down all these reasons.

List down the ways you can tackle smoking- You are well aware of the nicotine craving affect after withdrawal. So just gather all the ways by which you will tackle the nicotine cravings. You should find some useful things which can distract your mind from nicotine carvings.

Set a quit date- It is really important to put in action what you have decided. So decide a quit date and be firm in your decision not to smoke from that date onwards. Tell your family and friends about your quitting decision also so that they can also help you in quitting process by being cautious not to smoke in front of you. There should be determination and confidence behind your quitting mission.

Make your hands and mouth busy with something- Many people when quit smoke often finds their hands and mouth searching for cigarettes. Keep your hands and mouth busy with something. You can have a chewing gum in your mouth so that you don’t face carvings for cigarettes.

Stay positive and calm- Don’t get panic or excited while quitting. According to one research, people who have good positive attitude and good frame of mind are more successful in quitting smoking easily and permanently. So one needs to have clam mind and body so that one can easily overcome nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

All these are some of the ways which can help tremendously in quitting smoking. You can also employ some useful smoking cessation programs like cig-arette stop smoking program which has also gained immense popularity in quitting this dangerous habit. Smoking is detrimental to the development of anyone’s health and therefore requires to be eradicated completely.

By: Rashidhussain

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Kick away your smoking habit by following some lifestyle changes or employ the best quit smoking program today.

aids for quit smoking

Quit smoking without depression

I am so ready to quit smoking but as stupid as it sounds I feel like quitting smoking is losing a best friend. I get so depressed when I try to quit which makes me start back.

Coping With Quit Smoking

There are more than enough reasons for any one to quit smoking but after you are addicted to nicotine it’s so difficult to stop. Many have stopped smoking for days or months only to resume the habit as the temptation is so hard to overcome. … execs would be more convincing for the smoker to try harder to quit smoking. Guidance on handling the withdrawal symptoms. Guidance on handling the side aftermath of tobacco replacement therapy.

Trying to Quit Smoking

I am trying to kick a 40 year old smoking habit. OMG it is so hard and I keep falling off the wagon, but I know I need to quit.