Quit Smoking To Live A Smoke-free Life!
You all know the harmful effects of smoking but still you find difficulty in quitting this addiction. However you can employ a good method to say bye-bye to your smoking habit. Several methods are available in the market like cold turkey, patches, gums, therapy, hypnosis and many more. But consult your doctor to know the best method suiting your condition and body type. You can also employ some changes which can help you in quitting smoking. These are:
Note down all the reasons which insist you to quit smoking- It is really important to pen down all the possible reasons behind your decision of quitting smoking. Is it due to pressure from your spouse or it is your sole decision? You should also pen down all the points which encourage you to smoke. This will help you in comparing the reasons which want you to quit and reasons which want you to continue with smoking. One should be honest in writing down all these reasons.
List down the ways you can tackle smoking- You are well aware of the nicotine craving affect after withdrawal. So just gather all the ways by which you will tackle the nicotine cravings. You should find some useful things which can distract your mind from nicotine carvings.
Set a quit date- It is really important to put in action what you have decided. So decide a quit date and be firm in your decision not to smoke from that date onwards. Tell your family and friends about your quitting decision also so that they can also help you in quitting process by being cautious not to smoke in front of you. There should be determination and confidence behind your quitting mission.
Make your hands and mouth busy with something- Many people when quit smoke often finds their hands and mouth searching for cigarettes. Keep your hands and mouth busy with something. You can have a chewing gum in your mouth so that you don’t face carvings for cigarettes.
Stay positive and calm- Don’t get panic or excited while quitting. According to one research, people who have good positive attitude and good frame of mind are more successful in quitting smoking easily and permanently. So one needs to have clam mind and body so that one can easily overcome nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
All these are some of the ways which can help tremendously in quitting smoking. You can also employ some useful smoking cessation programs like cig-arette stop smoking program which has also gained immense popularity in quitting this dangerous habit. Smoking is detrimental to the development of anyone’s health and therefore requires to be eradicated completely.
By: Rashidhussain
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
Kick away your smoking habit by following some lifestyle changes or employ the best quit smoking program today.
Quit smoking without depression
I am so ready to quit smoking but as stupid as it sounds I feel like quitting smoking is losing a best friend. I get so depressed when I try to quit which makes me start back.
There are more than enough reasons for any one to quit smoking but after you are addicted to nicotine it’s so difficult to stop. Many have stopped smoking for days or months only to resume the habit as the temptation is so hard to overcome. … execs would be more convincing for the smoker to try harder to quit smoking. Guidance on handling the withdrawal symptoms. Guidance on handling the side aftermath of tobacco replacement therapy.
I am trying to kick a 40 year old smoking habit. OMG it is so hard and I keep falling off the wagon, but I know I need to quit.