Quit Smoking Support – Is This Really Helpful?
It is not easy to stop smoking. One thing that may help in your effrt to give up smoking for good is to join a support group who can help you stay off those cigarettes forever.
So many millions of people are not able to quit smoking successfully. Now with this overlooked resource – quit smoking support groups can help you to achieve your dream of being smoke free.
One of the biggest steps forward in helping you kick the smoking habit is to get together with like minded people that are engaged in the same thing that you are trying – to quit smoking. This form of quit smoking support has been around for many years. First of all you should really strive to join a group that has a strong purpose.
I’ve seen some of these group sessions which turn into nothing more that a wasted hour. Your time and your energy is precious so do not spend in time in a group that has no focus. Some of the complainers would come in and derail a good support group session in minutes. The leader of the group would fail to get the group back together again and it would be off to the races.
Napoleon Hill the success and motivational writer has made this idea popular. He used the term "mastermind group". But its purpose and function were just the same. You’d select several folks from different industries that agreed to meet together once a week for the purpose of advancing the causes of one of the mastermind group members. Hill believed that no one person has all of the right answers. But when you tapped into the hearts and minds of others you would normally be rewarded with success.
This is nothing more than a quit smoking support group type meeting. But albeit the purpose is different and that is okay. You see 4 out of 5 former smokers revealed their steps to success. And above al they recognized the fact that the quit smoking group gave them a sense of strength, unity and support above all. When they felt the cravings really kick in they were able to get support from their support group.
You see the concept of making discoveries or getting added support often comes when you least expect it. Take for example the discovery of the first quit smoking pill Zyban. It was never intended to be used for smoking cessation. It was a anti depression pill that worked nicely. But researchers and doctors began to notice a very positive trend. The emerging trend showed that a number of people that were taking Zyban (Wellbutrin) depression were also able to stop smoking with ease. This was amazing because up until that point no one at Glaxo Welcome Inc had ever thought of creating a pill to help you quit smoking.
Everyone knew that quitting smoking was very hard but no one ever would have though that this single pill would launch an entire industry for the quit smoking pills, patches and nasal sprays. Just goes to show what can be done when you have the right motive and the quit smoking support to back up your aims.
You should take the time to map out or find a good support group to and get started on your road to being a former smoker today.
By Todd Lloyd |
Quit Smoking Support Answers for You
Quit smoking support resources
You can access online or phone counselors or attend a support group; it doesn’t matter, as long as you seek help. The final step is to put some lifestyle changes in place and alter some routines to avoid smoking triggers.
Depression and Quitting Smoking
With modern technology, this can either be in real life or on the Internet! You can develop an entire social support group online. What’s important is to have people you can talk to when your lonely and thinking about smoking,
"I’ve been wanting to quit. I’ve quit two times before, but I always have gone back. I think through prayer and a friend and the support group, has helped me. I can’t say it’s going to help everybody, but it has helped me,” Sue said.