Gavin Quits Smoking – Day 8

Following pressure from his four children, Oxbox Co-founder, Gavin Hyatt has decided to quit smoking on national no smoking day and compile a daily video diary about his quit. Look out for tweets from @OxboxTV, @Biggav79 and the hashtag #taketheleap

The Best Way To Quit Smoking

Quit smoking GUARANTEED! Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Written by: David Alfano & Chris Garnant Starring: David Alfano & Chris Garnant Featuring: Michael Bertrando, Matthew Craig, Dwayne Colbert, Keith Reay, Michael Beumenot, Josh Callahan, Brian J. Hunt, Theresa Gumprecht Director: Joshua Funk Producer: Meghan O’Brien PA: Kyle Herman Audio Mix: Nathan Ossman Special Thanks to: Jaime Moyer The Second City New Media ©2012 The Second City Inc./David & Goliath Productions TheSecond City Network is quickly becoming one of the hottest channels on YouTube. Our work has been featured on Tosh.0 on Comedy Central, G4’s Attack of the Show, Inside Edition, NPR, MSNBC, CNN and more! Many of today’s biggest names got their start at The Second City main stages -including Tina Fey of 30 Rock, Stephen Colbert of the Colbert Report, and Steve Carell of The Office. Do you want to be a better comedy writer, actor, and improviser? Then sign up to take a class at one of our training centers! Chicago: Hollywood: Toronto: Study comedy for college credit at Second City: Watch videos created by our current students:

Mark Hoppus on quitting smoking

Subscribe: Mark talks about his cigarette-free lifestyle during a moment of down time in this behind-the-scenes clip from Hoppus On Music Fuse on Twitter: Fuse on Facebook:

How To Quit Smoking You Need A Plan To Quit Smoking

To learn more visit To quit smoking successfully you need a thought out plan to quit smoking cigarettes. There is a way to stop smoking without nicotine withdrawals. http Quitting cold turkey will make you miserable and has a dismal success rate.

Quit smoking marijuana

withdrawal: How to quit smoking marijuana. If you are a stoner, this is one way that works if you want to quit cannabis. Visit an addiction treatment center to treat marijuana addiction. Comments are welcome.