Quit smoking GUARANTEED! Like us on Facebook! www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter! twitter.com Written by: David Alfano & Chris Garnant Starring: David Alfano & Chris Garnant Featuring: Michael Bertrando, Matthew Craig, Dwayne Colbert, Keith Reay, Michael Beumenot, Josh Callahan, Brian J. Hunt, Theresa Gumprecht Director: Joshua Funk Producer: Meghan O’Brien PA: Kyle Herman Audio Mix: Nathan Ossman Special Thanks to: Jaime Moyer www.secondcitynetwork.com The Second City New Media ©2012 The Second City Inc./David & Goliath Productions TheSecond City Network is quickly becoming one of the hottest channels on YouTube. Our work has been featured on Tosh.0 on Comedy Central, G4’s Attack of the Show, Inside Edition, NPR, MSNBC, CNN and more! Many of today’s biggest names got their start at The Second City main stages -including Tina Fey of 30 Rock, Stephen Colbert of the Colbert Report, and Steve Carell of The Office. Do you want to be a better comedy writer, actor, and improviser? Then sign up to take a class at one of our training centers! Chicago: www.secondcity.com Hollywood: www.secondcity.com Toronto: www.secondcity.com Study comedy for college credit at Second City: www.comedystudies.com Watch videos created by our current students: www.youtube.com

That’s me! That’s me!
Well, it’s a bit late if you’re trying to quit
if you don’t mind MY asking!
This is great! The little man is so cute lol
Was it just a coincidence that a non smoking commercial came on before? lol
I have that same book at the 0.07 mark ( The Idiots guide to learning German)
“David” is so frickin HOT….
2:03 If having a partner is so easy, why am I a virgin still at 32 and a half?
Haha I really liked this
The ending
so funny!!!
Loved it, great work.
dad walked in the room just at that exact moment to hear “-OH MY GOD YOU’RE SO GOOD AAAAH”
…thanks for that one, second city.
Cameraman loves him some panning action
ME TOO! but it was my friend (not as embarrassing)
This is magic….
I know nobody and I have no friends. If I went to a group of people, they would diss me, tell me to piss off or never invite me again. If I showed like to some girl she would be like “omg, what is going on, I gadda get away ” or “don’t push it, sexist”. But yeah, making a suggestion for a woman is impossible, because they don’t feel safe to consider it. That’s Finland. I should go out and see women who are little under 40 to make it straightforward. 20’s women are naive, rude and selfish.
Loved it!
best way to quit smoking is keep doing it until you die of lung cancer. then you quit everything.