I quit smoking a few days ago, and im doing very well but tomorrow night im going drinking and whenever I drink I LOVEEE smoking so if I smoke tomorrow night while im drinking will i start smoking again the next day? or?

Stop Smoking | Smoking Cessation
It would depend mostly on your determination to quit. Although smoking again can cause your system to crave for nicotine again, you can still fight the cravings and go back to your normal life as a non-smoker as long as you have a strong desire to quit and you are able to impose discipline on yourself.
Who cares get yo smoke on girl
you will probs end up smoking again i fully admire someone who stops altogether ! <3
When you introduce nicotine to your body again, you will start to crave it again. The fact that you’re drinking at the time has nothing to do with it. If you smoke, you’ll want to smoke more.
Don’t put yourself through the torture and temptation. Stay away from the drinking, alcohol and any other mess that will defile you. Yes that is starting back to smoke if you do it whenever!
I hav a sister that always said, " I can stop whenever I want to, Im not addicted." A couple of yrs later she said, " I cant stop if I wanted to, my stomach hurts too bad and I get the shakes." The last thing she told me: " I tried crack a few times." Do you c the pattern. Ive seen it over and over again, I warned some and no one listened. Hope you will learn from this
If you smoke another cigarette you’ll be right back where you started. And if you drink at this point you’re probably going to lose control and start smoking again. The next morning you’ll be craving another cigarette so bad. Don’t go out drinking for at least a month or two if you’re serious about quitting. Even if you only smoke when you drink, you’re still a smoker, and the everyday smoking will come back. That’s how I started smoking (now it’s almost a pack with each a drink), and that’s pretty much how every smoker I know started. They thought it would be fun to smoke with a drink. Then they got addicted.
Most likely – due to lack of self control. Smoking is quite a turn-off btw
ps: Ask how your lungs+liver how they feel when u smoke and/or drink
Well whenever I have quit smoking (which is many times) after I’ve done so well I often make the mistake of saying, I will buy a pack and just have 1 or 2 as like a reward or something and I think it can’t hurt but it never ends up being 1 or 2. I always end up smoking daily again then. They often say when you are trying to quit something like smoking, staying away from drinking is a good idea cause drinking lowers your inhibitions and also goes hand in hand with smoking for many smokers. I do understand why you really want one when you drink, smoking when drinking is really nice but unless you have very strong willpower I wouldn’t.
If you have quit smoking then quit smoking for the rest of your life. Most probably you’ll end up smoking again if you smoke when drinking…