Since april of this year I would quit smoking for 2 or3 weeks and then break down and smoke a pack.; Then I would be mad and go again for maybe 6 weeks. Then break down again and smoke a couple of cigarettes. How can I quit doing this and quit for good?

Simple, next time you feel like smoking: don’t.
First of all make sure you don’t have any cigarette, if you have then throw them away and make sure you can’t get hold of them. Eat sweets when you feel like smoking I’m not sure if it will work for you but i heard it works for some people. And something i know that i noticed myself about my friend, when shes bored she always feel like smoking but when we are doing something funny she doesn’t even think about it. If nothing of this work try with nicotine gum.. 😉
Smoking is easier than quiting masturbating. For smoking, you just don’t go to the store and buy and more tabacco. With masturbating it’s always gonna be right there, especially in the mornings.
I quit last april after 11 years of smoking. Since then, I would never ever smoke again. Just google for "Allen Carr" and follow his program. he’s the one who saved my life from this habit (and i’m not his marketing guy or whatever)
good luck