So my friends doesn’t want to quit yet and I know in order for someone to quit they need to want to do it. How can I get him to want to quit!? Just worried about him in the future…I believe he has been smoking for 6 years..

Stop Smoking | Smoking Cessation
All smokers will know the harmful and damaging affects of smoking, and yet this knowledge is rarely enough to help someone quit. When people start smoking (often at a very young age) they know full well how harmful it will be, but at that young age they often hold a ‘devil may care’ attitude and persevere.
The reasons why people suddenly have a change of heart and decide to quit smoking will vary from person to person. Some start to notice the impact on their health and fitness. Others realise just how dependent they have become and strive to be free of their crutch. Others become embarrassed by their habit or feel loathe to throwing any more money at it. As a hypnotherapist, I hear a range of different reasons why someone wants to stop, but I also believe it is very important to find out what they feel they will lose out on by quitting. Perhaps they feel they will become less confident; less fun or popular; more stressed or gain weight. By identifying what someone may use cigarettes as a crutch for, it’s then possible to help with these underlying concerns so that they can stop smoking more easily.
You can’t talk someone into being ready to quit, but you might be able to help them look at their habit from another perspective which may then pave the way to them feeling that they can stop smoking when they are ready to.
Hope that helps.
just let him be
You can’t get someone else to ‘want’ to quit.
It’s great that you are a concerned friend, but you need to let this person make their own choices. I would supply them with some reading material about the negative effects of smoking and let it go.
u should get him/her thoes robotic cigairtts it will refresh him and not hurt his lungs but 1 pack of thoes is around 10dollars instead of 5
you can buy him/her an elctronic cigarette.
go to the hospital near you. go to the "respiratory" ward where patients have emphysema, lung cancer etc let him see those patients or let him talk to the patients. for sure he will realizes that evetually he will be in the same position as theirs. then encourage him to first lessen his intake of cigarette until such time he will only take 1 cig a day then to none at all
DO NOT put pressure on him. when someone tells you you cant smoke, you want it twice as bad, if not more. let him decide to quit on his own. you cant make him.
if you must get involved…tell him you will support him however you can when HE decides to quit, and until then you dont approve, but you wont force anything on him.
pretty much everyone that smokes wishes they didnt, with the exception of young high school kids who dont feel the effects yet. but they will feel it and wish they didnt start some day. at that point, its up to them if they have the will power to stop or not.
also…DO NOT freak him out with the negative effects. he knows. everyone knows what smoking does to you. theres no way around it. i dont care if youve smoked for 20 years, that doesnt mean you dont know what happens to smokers. freaking him out is NOT going to make him drop the habit right then and there. just dont do it. its not going to help