I quit smoking almost 3 months ago, I am gaining weight and have been going to the bathroom alot less. I am trying to eat a lot of fiber, prune juice, less carbs, green tee, alot of water and not eating after 7pm. Why am I still gaining weight? How do I stop it? Please help!

Jrop the burgers and the pizza. Insted pick up a salad.
When you quit smoking your body needs to adapt to something else. Instead of you smoking and getting all the tabacco you are eating which is actually not making you gain weight the tabacco stopped you from gaining weight but now that there is not you will gain the weight.
Hey….Good job on quitting smoking…I cant stand that shit…
OK…go to the site in my sources and fill out the chart (takes 10 seconds)…This will give u the number of calories u need per day to stay the same weight…Subtract 500 from this number and stick to that number everyday to lose around a pound a week…Make sure u drink plenty of water like you are….excersize really helps to speed up the process…Eat 4-6 times per day..healthily and stick to the number of calories u need….Good luck and feel free to ask me anything if u need help 🙂
Your metabolism is probably slowing down from quitting smoking, but don’t worry!! It’s trying to build back up… Give it a little bit longer- and EXERCISE will definitely speed up your metabolism… Speed up your weight loss by walking every day for 30 to 45 minutes… 🙂
Well first off, congradulation on quiting smoking. Dont try to eat healthy, simply eat healthy, Self disapline yourself. Exersise daily with cardio even if its walking and also weiight lifting… Make sure your not cuting your caloretic intake by more then 500 calories or else you will gain weight.
When you get the craving for a smoke ,you eat instead. You have to replace that habit with something else. Try sugerless gum, and a large glass of water just before a meal.
You need to replace one habit with another. Now just because I say habit, I don’t mean something bad. You need to start an exercise routine. This can be started no matter how old you are or what shape you’re in. Please check with a physician first, but you may be able to get some hints from this website http://homefitnessbody.com/blog
From working with my clients, I have found weight gain after the cessation of smoking is more often than not, due to unresolved emotional factors.
We often use cigarettes as a distraction from anxiety and once we break that cycle, we feel frustration (often in the form of cravings) which our subconscious mind transfers to another form of distraction (such as alcohol or over-eating).
As Richard Bandler has said in the past "when a person holds onto what they cant see, they can get fat from eating a lettuce leaf". Whilst I would go that far, I would suggest you look into your emotions.
I believe there’s a book called The Secret Language of Feelings that goes into it in much more detail if you are looking for more assistance.
Also, how much exercise are you getting?
Since you quit, your body needs less calories. A pack a day smoker will burn 400 calories more a day. You have to cut more food out of your diet to lose weight.